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Give and Take Room

Rather than phrases like “donation room” or “donation center”, we like to use “give and take room.” We want to encourage everyone involved in Grace Klein Community to both give and take so that it becomes a true reciprocal community.

What if your kid has outgrown some clothes? Bring the old ones to give and look through the Give and Take room to find the new sizes he/she needs.

What happens when your washer or dryer stops working suddenly? Let us know and we will add your name to our needs board. Appliances in good condition are given all the time.

There are no guarantees that you’ll find what you need, but we have seen countless instances where someone prayed or asked for a specific item and it showed up within days or weeks. Some of the random requests that have showed up… ice cream bowls, computer monitors, bunk beds, shoes of a specific size, brand and color, air mattress, tent, home-school books, musical instruments, canning jars, and the list goes on and on.

Many people think, “that stuff is for people in need.” Well, if your washer dies suddenly and you don’t have the money to run out and get a new one today, aren’t you in need? Or, maybe you can afford to go right out and replace something… consider what you could use your money towards instead of a new washer or new clothes for a child that will outgrow them in six months anyway. What if you save that money and donate it to help fund an orphanage, or help buy school uniforms for inner city kids in Birmingham who can’t go to school without them, or provide a nutritious food box for a family in need of food.

If we all give and we all take, we can truly all have enough.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16


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