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Givers Always Get

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“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Reluctant: Unwilling and Hesitant
Compulsion: Forced by Others
Sufficiency: ALL Contentment

“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” – 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

During the Christmas season, many community members came together to share the love of Christmas. Community members nominated children to be sponsored, others purchased gifts, even more wrapped, and others delivered… representing the full beauty of community celebrating Christmas.

Here are some testimonials of ways the givers were blessed by their cheerful giving:

1-img_7866“The first line of one of my favorite hymns, “Because I have been given much, I too must give” always comes to mind when I am reminded of someone who has needs but does not have the opportunity to meet those needs at this time. And because God provided for me through family, friends and strangers throughout my life, I am able to help provide for those who need some help at this time in their lives. Our children’s needs and joy can be as great a need, for us, as nourishment for our own body. For Grace Klein Community to provide me with the opportunity to infuse a child’s Christmas, and the heart of the adult who loves them with loving kindness, is a most welcome gift to this heart. “For God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

“Working with Grace Klein Community this year to sponsor kids and their Christmas gifts was honestly so much fun, and it was such a blessing. It really brought me back to the right attitude and right Spirit to have during this Christmas season. I have been very distracted thinking about myself and my busy plans and all the things I needed to do. While I spent time searching for the perfect gifts for my sponsored kid, most of which were just basic necessities, that I take for granted, it made me realize how thankful I should be for what I have and how God has blessed me. It was also so much fun! I just love buying gifts and wrapping them, and it was really great getting to do that and serve others at the same time.”

“I don’t know why I find this so difficult. I guess I would say that giving those gifts to the boys has caused a connection to them that they aren’t even aware of. I think about them often and wonder what their life is like. I wonder where they live and what their days are like. I think about their mom and I hope she feels loved and that life isn’t too hard for her. I wish I had more to give. I wish I could just swoop up the whole family and let them live with me. Picking presents for the two boys made them “real” people to me who I care about and wonder about.”

img_9976“This year I wanted to do something different than buying a toy or two for a gift drive. I had no specific idea, just something different and more personal. Wrapping gifts for Grace Klein Community was perfect. I got a box of toys, some bows and paper. More wrapping items were needed like bags (my favorite option since it’s quick, easy and so festive with all the tissue spilling out of the top!) While getting to the toys (thank you Scott for digging through the gift closet for me,) we moved makeup items that had been donated, boxes full! As I ran my normal errands, I priced bags and couldn’t believe how expensive they were, even at the dollar stores! As I got my wrapping supplies out at home, I found a few dozen bags leftover from a company event last year that I had forgotten about. Score for Grace Klein Community!!! Finding those bags reminded me I had plain craft bags from an old project that I’d completely forgotten about, and my different project for this year was born! I’d made simple, rustic nativity scene goodie bags for my kid’s classes when they were in grade school, and I hadn’t made them in years. Those plain bags (16 of them) now had a purpose! It did my soul good to create baby Jesus themed bags, see them spread out in rows on my craft table, and come to life with paint flecks and moss for the manager bedding! I don’t know who got one of the bags, or what was in each one, all I know is they were stuffed by volunteers at a wrapping party at Galleria Woods, and whoever got one was prayed for, and each one had a small picture of what CHRISTmas was all about when they received their gift bag. Now I’m hooked, and looking forward to whatever I’m called to do for Grace Klein Community next year!”

“I didn’t have much money to spend on gifts this year, but thankfully I was able to help out in other ways. I wrapped a bunch of presents at home while playing Christmas songs and praying for the people who would open them. So blessed that I was able to do just a little part to make someone’s Christmas Day special. Thank you Grace Klein Community for all you do.”

15241872_1816131181935159_7586533540824035183_n“Our family has put an emphasis on helping others this year; we are in a position that we can help others, and we seek out ways to do that. We want our children (who are 3 and 6) to understand that giving is something that the Lord wants us to do, and we do so with a cheerful spirit. Learning of the opportunity to give to a child in need in our community was the perfect opportunity to involve our whole family.”

“My husband and I stopped doing gifts for each other years ago, and decided instead to help kids out. We were getting stressed out trying to find things we did not need. It felt like an obligation. We don’t have kids, so shopping for somebody else’s has made my Christmas so enjoyable.”

“It’s such a blessing to enrich a child’s life, even if it’s in such a small way. And to say we had a blast shopping for a child is an understatement. Thanks Grace Klein Community for giving us the opportunity to spread the love of Jesus. And Merry Christmas!”

“One thing my husband taught the kids and I was to give freely when we have been so blessed ourselves. We would always sponsor someone instead of buying each other a gift because it really brings more real joy to your heart than any gift you could open. The kids and I will continue this tradition he started with joy in remembrance of him.”

“Giving was hard. My husband and I are not “rich.” We don’t live in a big house and we share a car. But, we are blessed and wanted to be a blessing to someone else. Not sure of how to shop for others (the clothes that my children have, that aren’t gifts from grandma, are from the thrift store.) I decided to just give a monetary donation to help a child in need.”

1-img_7826“Throughout the Bible, the Lord consistently regards children with value, protection, and love. Jesus, in His life on Earth continued in that value, love, and protection, even holding children in such a high regard of protection to say in Matthew 18:3, “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” couldn’t be any more accurate, Jesus LOVES the little children. That’s why one of the most beautiful opportunities of Christmas is our opportunity to show Christ’s love to children on that day.

Many Christ-following parents go to great lengths to find ways to show this love to their children through gifts on Christmas, whether it’s a gift supplying a great need or that special toy that will bring a smile to the child’s face. In an ideal world, all parents would have the financial resources to bless their child with a gift on Christmas, but in the fallen world, difficulties arise. Health problems strike causing overbearing medical bills, unexpected tragedies arise, and even the loss of a job can make Christmas a difficult time for a parent who falls on financial crisis, and becomes unable to provide. How can we love on those parents, and their children, this Christmas?

That’s where Grace Klein Community’s sponsorship program gave my family a wonderful opportunity. They shared with us a family with two boys, what the boys wanted for Christmas, and what they needed for the winter season. This gave us the chance to serve this family, meeting the needs of their few, through the provision of our plenty. From shoes to board games to sports gear, we were able to bless the parent with gifts that their children would be excited about. Our donations to these parents gave them an opportunity to experience their children’s joy on Christmas, while they show God’s love to those children through the giving of those gifts, and the sharing of the miraculous story of Christ’s birth and life. It’s a blessing all-around, a chance for God’s light to shine in even the darkest times, in the difficult circumstances, and I’m so thankful that my family and I got to be a part of it.”

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Givers Always Get

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“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Reluctant: Unwilling and Hesitant
Compulsion: Forced by Others
Sufficiency: ALL Contentment

“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” – 2 Corinthians 9:11-12

During the Christmas season, many community members came together to share the love of Christmas. Community members nominated children to be sponsored, others purchased gifts, even more wrapped, and others delivered… representing the full beauty of community celebrating Christmas.

Here are some testimonials of ways the givers were blessed by their cheerful giving:

1-img_7866“The first line of one of my favorite hymns, “Because I have been given much, I too must give” always comes to mind when I am reminded of someone who has needs but does not have the opportunity to meet those needs at this time. And because God provided for me through family, friends and strangers throughout my life, I am able to help provide for those who need some help at this time in their lives. Our children’s needs and joy can be as great a need, for us, as nourishment for our own body. For Grace Klein Community to provide me with the opportunity to infuse a child’s Christmas, and the heart of the adult who loves them with loving kindness, is a most welcome gift to this heart. “For God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

“Working with Grace Klein Community this year to sponsor kids and their Christmas gifts was honestly so much fun, and it was such a blessing. It really brought me back to the right attitude and right Spirit to have during this Christmas season. I have been very distracted thinking about myself and my busy plans and all the things I needed to do. While I spent time searching for the perfect gifts for my sponsored kid, most of which were just basic necessities, that I take for granted, it made me realize how thankful I should be for what I have and how God has blessed me. It was also so much fun! I just love buying gifts and wrapping them, and it was really great getting to do that and serve others at the same time.”

“I don’t know why I find this so difficult. I guess I would say that giving those gifts to the boys has caused a connection to them that they aren’t even aware of. I think about them often and wonder what their life is like. I wonder where they live and what their days are like. I think about their mom and I hope she feels loved and that life isn’t too hard for her. I wish I had more to give. I wish I could just swoop up the whole family and let them live with me. Picking presents for the two boys made them “real” people to me who I care about and wonder about.”

img_9976“This year I wanted to do something different than buying a toy or two for a gift drive. I had no specific idea, just something different and more personal. Wrapping gifts for Grace Klein Community was perfect. I got a box of toys, some bows and paper. More wrapping items were needed like bags (my favorite option since it’s quick, easy and so festive with all the tissue spilling out of the top!) While getting to the toys (thank you Scott for digging through the gift closet for me,) we moved makeup items that had been donated, boxes full! As I ran my normal errands, I priced bags and couldn’t believe how expensive they were, even at the dollar stores! As I got my wrapping supplies out at home, I found a few dozen bags leftover from a company event last year that I had forgotten about. Score for Grace Klein Community!!! Finding those bags reminded me I had plain craft bags from an old project that I’d completely forgotten about, and my different project for this year was born! I’d made simple, rustic nativity scene goodie bags for my kid’s classes when they were in grade school, and I hadn’t made them in years. Those plain bags (16 of them) now had a purpose! It did my soul good to create baby Jesus themed bags, see them spread out in rows on my craft table, and come to life with paint flecks and moss for the manager bedding! I don’t know who got one of the bags, or what was in each one, all I know is they were stuffed by volunteers at a wrapping party at Galleria Woods, and whoever got one was prayed for, and each one had a small picture of what CHRISTmas was all about when they received their gift bag. Now I’m hooked, and looking forward to whatever I’m called to do for Grace Klein Community next year!”

“I didn’t have much money to spend on gifts this year, but thankfully I was able to help out in other ways. I wrapped a bunch of presents at home while playing Christmas songs and praying for the people who would open them. So blessed that I was able to do just a little part to make someone’s Christmas Day special. Thank you Grace Klein Community for all you do.”

15241872_1816131181935159_7586533540824035183_n“Our family has put an emphasis on helping others this year; we are in a position that we can help others, and we seek out ways to do that. We want our children (who are 3 and 6) to understand that giving is something that the Lord wants us to do, and we do so with a cheerful spirit. Learning of the opportunity to give to a child in need in our community was the perfect opportunity to involve our whole family.”

“My husband and I stopped doing gifts for each other years ago, and decided instead to help kids out. We were getting stressed out trying to find things we did not need. It felt like an obligation. We don’t have kids, so shopping for somebody else’s has made my Christmas so enjoyable.”

“It’s such a blessing to enrich a child’s life, even if it’s in such a small way. And to say we had a blast shopping for a child is an understatement. Thanks Grace Klein Community for giving us the opportunity to spread the love of Jesus. And Merry Christmas!”

“One thing my husband taught the kids and I was to give freely when we have been so blessed ourselves. We would always sponsor someone instead of buying each other a gift because it really brings more real joy to your heart than any gift you could open. The kids and I will continue this tradition he started with joy in remembrance of him.”

“Giving was hard. My husband and I are not “rich.” We don’t live in a big house and we share a car. But, we are blessed and wanted to be a blessing to someone else. Not sure of how to shop for others (the clothes that my children have, that aren’t gifts from grandma, are from the thrift store.) I decided to just give a monetary donation to help a child in need.”

1-img_7826“Throughout the Bible, the Lord consistently regards children with value, protection, and love. Jesus, in His life on Earth continued in that value, love, and protection, even holding children in such a high regard of protection to say in Matthew 18:3, “Truly I tell you, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” couldn’t be any more accurate, Jesus LOVES the little children. That’s why one of the most beautiful opportunities of Christmas is our opportunity to show Christ’s love to children on that day.

Many Christ-following parents go to great lengths to find ways to show this love to their children through gifts on Christmas, whether it’s a gift supplying a great need or that special toy that will bring a smile to the child’s face. In an ideal world, all parents would have the financial resources to bless their child with a gift on Christmas, but in the fallen world, difficulties arise. Health problems strike causing overbearing medical bills, unexpected tragedies arise, and even the loss of a job can make Christmas a difficult time for a parent who falls on financial crisis, and becomes unable to provide. How can we love on those parents, and their children, this Christmas?

That’s where Grace Klein Community’s sponsorship program gave my family a wonderful opportunity. They shared with us a family with two boys, what the boys wanted for Christmas, and what they needed for the winter season. This gave us the chance to serve this family, meeting the needs of their few, through the provision of our plenty. From shoes to board games to sports gear, we were able to bless the parent with gifts that their children would be excited about. Our donations to these parents gave them an opportunity to experience their children’s joy on Christmas, while they show God’s love to those children through the giving of those gifts, and the sharing of the miraculous story of Christ’s birth and life. It’s a blessing all-around, a chance for God’s light to shine in even the darkest times, in the difficult circumstances, and I’m so thankful that my family and I got to be a part of it.”

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