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GKC – Little Savannah Dinner Update

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February 11th, 2015, Grace Klein Community hosted their first Annual Community Dinner at the Little Savannah Restaurant and Bar, *Farm Table Style.*

The vision of the evening was dreamed up by a dedicated Grace Klein Community volunteer who walked in complete obedience, and in turn united volunteers to work together towards making the event an incredible success.  The dream certainly became a reality, beyond what we believed or expected.

It was a special evening celebrating all that Jesus is doing in and through Grace Klein Community. Nothing beats laughing together as friends and sharing an exquisite farm style community dinner.

The menu included “Butter Lettuces” with a medley of roasted beets, spicy walnuts, chevre and cider-beet vinaigrette;  “Rosemary Roasted Pork Loin” with red potatoes, winter kale and pot likker; and “Banana Bread Pudding” drizzled with pecan pralines and caramel sauce.

We are incredibly grateful to the Little Savannah Restaurant and Bar for hosting an unforgettable evening.

A big thank you to all our volunteers who came together to ensure a successful evening.






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GKC – Little Savannah Dinner Update

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February 11th, 2015, Grace Klein Community hosted their first Annual Community Dinner at the Little Savannah Restaurant and Bar, *Farm Table Style.*

The vision of the evening was dreamed up by a dedicated Grace Klein Community volunteer who walked in complete obedience, and in turn united volunteers to work together towards making the event an incredible success.  The dream certainly became a reality, beyond what we believed or expected.

It was a special evening celebrating all that Jesus is doing in and through Grace Klein Community. Nothing beats laughing together as friends and sharing an exquisite farm style community dinner.

The menu included “Butter Lettuces” with a medley of roasted beets, spicy walnuts, chevre and cider-beet vinaigrette;  “Rosemary Roasted Pork Loin” with red potatoes, winter kale and pot likker; and “Banana Bread Pudding” drizzled with pecan pralines and caramel sauce.

We are incredibly grateful to the Little Savannah Restaurant and Bar for hosting an unforgettable evening.

A big thank you to all our volunteers who came together to ensure a successful evening.






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