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Hand to Mouth. We must Love.

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Hand to mouth. We all know someone that lives this way. Maybe we don’t know their name, but we should.

Not to stereotype, but if we went to a drive thru restaurant, the movies, a gas station or a grocery store this week, we probably had a brief interaction with someone living hand to mouth.


What are great needs for every household?

  • Toilet paper
  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste


Many people living hand to mouth struggle to have enough resources to purchase these items on a consistent basis. They don’t talk about it, but it is a hidden stressor. One more thing to stretch.

What if we blessed people with basic necessities that we all need. Maybe it means buying an extra when you are at the store, or maybe it’s an intentional run to buy in bulk. Coupon shoppers may have extra in their cabinets, from the free deals.

We can work together to love the many we have been failing to notice in our every days.

What if.

What if we all pooled our resources and brought a large variety of these products to the GKC office??

What if people donated excess recycled bags that could be used to make the Love Does bags?

What if volunteers created kits and 100 families committed to adopt a different staff?

What if my family committed to a Chevron gas station in Hoover and your family committed to the Wendy’s or McD’s on 280? We could all take a different place and for the rest of 2015, we could love on the staff of the locations we already frequent. We could start with bags of necessities for every staff member. We could make them homemade goodies. We could have our kids leave them encouraging notes. We could even find out what size clothing people need and meet the needs through the Give and Take Room. We could simply love in whatever way God shows us to love in the next three months. And we may end up with some really amazing friendships. We may have new friends for dinner. Who knows what could happen if we risk to love?!!


Here’s how we can start…

  • Bring toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpastes, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies and/or durable recyclable bags to the Grace Klein Community office (2652 Old Rocky Ridge Road, Birmingham, AL 35216) by October 9, 2015.
  • Email [email protected] to volunteer to come help put together the gift bags.
  • Pray about a location your family already frequents and where you want to commit to love for the rest of 2015. Find out how many staff work at that location and then email [email protected] for how many bags you will need and what location you will commit to love so that we have no duplications.
  • Come get your initial gift bags on October 15 or 16, 2015, and get started.

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