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Home Cooked Meals

A few years back a singles group handled our home cooked, ready to eat, freezer meals that were shared with many families throughout the Grace Klein Community network. Unfortunately the singles group had to stop after several years of their faithful service. We’ve been waiting for God to send us new volunteers to serve through home cooked meals.

As a volunteer was reading “Interrupted” by Jen Hatmaker, she was convicted that God had more for her to share. She contacted us to see how she may serve with Grace Klein Community. We asked her what she enjoyed and she said she loved to cook. We told her that God had answered our prayers for someone to start back with the preparation and delivery of meals.

In March 2015, this one volunteer has prepared 13 meals for various family situations and has delivered 10 of them. Situations have included: recovery from surgeries, death of a parent, financial distress, and emotionally overwhelmed. All these families are involved with Grace Klein Community. The hot meals allow Grace Klein Community friends to minister to other Grace Klein Community friends as the body of Christ.

Ways you can help:

  • Prepare frozen meals and deliver to our office (2652 Old Rocky Ridge Road, Hoover, AL, 35216)
  • Delivery of meals within the greater Birmingham area
  • Refer families that need a hot meal encouragement
  • Donate meat and other food items that can be used for these meals
  • Help with the frozen meal prep at the Briarwood Service Day, April 14th. (Email [email protected] to get involved)

For a list of food items needed for the Briarwood Service Day, please refer to our Briarwood Service Day post.


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