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Kwathu Children’s Home: January Update 2015

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The Kwathu children reported back to school in the first week of January and they are so happy and excited about it. They are all in a new grade, learning new things. Four of our children will be attempting grade seven by the end of this year and one of our boys has skipped a grade due to his excellence school performance and of course, recommendation from the school. In order to prepare them to continue striving to do their best, a study time table has been put in place and our house mother is responsible for consistently checking on the children’s studies during this time.

Purity's BirthdayBirthdays at Kwathu are always special days filled with so much joy and happy memories.  January 20, 2015 was such a special day for the Kwathu family, as we celebrated Purity’s 11th birthday. Purity was 3 years old when she became a part of the Kwathu Family, and it’s a joy to be a part of her life and to see her grow. It was a wonderful time of reflecting of the past years and Mama Josephine baked and decorated a birthday cake for Purity. It was such a great day filled with quality family time.

Play ParkWorks at the building site have been progressing and efforts of building a children’s play park on the property is under way. Our visiting volunteer from Spain has been helping with the painting of the play equipment for the park. We are hopeful that during her 3 week period at Kwathu most of the work on the play park will be completed.

Among other play equipment, a trampoline and a swing is already available for the park. Our aim for building this park is to enhance child development and provide more recreation activities for the children. Many thanks to Embrace the Grace Ministries who made it possible for this ideal to became a reality.

TilesWe are so thankful for Mr. Agripa Phiri and the contractors who work incredibly hard to complete the works on the property. Peter, who has been under Kwathu sponsorship and who recently completed 2 years training in Building and Construction, has been a great help at the building site and recently installed the lights in the main house. Many thanks to George from Germany for this blessing.

Mr. Agripa Phiri has been working hand in hand with Emmanuel in fitting floor tiles. Approximately 4 rooms have been completed and 8 more rooms are yet to be worked on.

In addition, the contractors have been working hard digging and pouring concrete on the office foundation block which has recently been completed. Many thanks to Natalie and the Grace Klein Community team who have been working so hard raising funds for the Kwathu building project. We thank God for his faithfulness in the project. Our goal is to move into the new building in the month of April when the children are on school holiday, as this will be a more convenient time for shifting.



Philippians 1:6 “He who began a good work in you will surely bring it to accomplish.”

Please continue praying with us on these requests.

  • Pray with us for financial support for the remaining stages on the house (painting, doors, floor and wall tiles.) We require $3,000 to complete the fitting tiles for the whole house).
  • Please continue praying for Natalie who is currently in Birmingham, Alabama under the care of our US partner organization, Grace Klein Community. Natalie is currently in the states creating further awareness about Kwathu Children’s Home in hopes to raise further funding for the completion of the Kwathu vision.
  • Continue praying for courage, faith and understanding that we can accomplish the goals we set for Kwathu and that the children can live, grow and mature in Gods daily goodness and loving kindness.

We thank you all for your continued love and support towards Kwathu Children’s Home and may the Lord continue to bless you! We thank all our friends and partners for your prayers, donations and support of any kind to Kwathu Children’s Home.

Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.

If you feel led to contribute towards the building project, donations can be given via: or checks can be mailed to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy. #104, Birmingham, AL 35216. Please indicate “Kwathu” on the memo line.


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