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Kwathu Children’s Home, Zambia – Outreach 2016

As many of you may know, a Grace Klein Community team plans to travel to Kwathu Children’s Home in Livingstone, Zambia from May 31, 2016 til June 13, 2016, to love, support, and encourage the children, staff, and directors of the home.

Many of the team members are at the nervous/excited stage of preparing for the journey ahead. Some have never flown on a plane before. Some have never left the country. Some are afraid of the cultural differences, the new foods, and are wrestling fear of the unknown.  They are becoming uncomfortable, wanting to remain in control, and be on top of every detail of planning. God is stretching the team. God is messing with them, breaking them of this control. They’re on a ride to becoming beautifully broken, for His Glory. It is not about us.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” – 2 Corinthians 4:7-10

IMG_1018On Monday, May 23, 2016, the prayer group prepared Nshima and relish, food traditionally eaten in Zambia, for the team to taste and enjoy. Many were pleasantly surprise by the flavors on their taste buds; the Nshima was enjoyed by all!

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016, team member, Michael Kline, hosted a packing party at his home in preparation for the trip. Nine 50lb tubs were packed to the brim, filled with supplies for the children’s home. We’re so thankful to all who contributed items in support for the home.

A__F1CDThe goal for this trip is assist with construction on the current building, the administration block. The building is close to being completed, and we’re trusting to complete the construction efficiently in order to move on to other projects where we can be of assistance. We also plan to help build and stock a chicken house on the property. The chicken house will be a huge asset for the home providing much needed protein for the children and staff, along with being able to sell the overflow of eggs. This will help reduce the running costs and also be a fantastic learning opportunity for the children.

As the team continues to prepare their hearts for the trip next week, will you continue to pray for them? Many of our thoughts and prayers are with our friend, Evan Moon, who was originally one of the members planning to travel, but had unexpected brain surgery on May 16, 2016. Read the latest Evan update HERE.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed financially towards travel, tangibly through items needed at the home, and in prayer support. We’re so grateful to each one of you.

The team is still short of $3,000 towards the trip. If you feel God leading you to contribute financially, checks can be mailed to: Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216 OR donate online HERE. Memo: Kwathu Trip

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