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Library Dreams Project has a new name!

A quick update from Cornelius and Prima Ngosa, representatives of ministry partner, The Leadership Experience:

“Most of you are probably aware that my wife and I are visiting the US again. We landed safely on Friday 24th April 2015 and are in North Potomac, Maryland right now.

Our mission for this trip is primarily to raise funds for the Library Dreams Project. We are also very open to share, encourage and teach wherever possible.

As some of you may know, we represent LXP – The Leadership Experience, which has five ministries. One of these is our children’s ministry called The Library Dreams Project (also known as Taletha Koum).

Taletha Koum was born in 2011. It is a derivative of Talitha Koumi from Mark 5:41 when Jesus raised the young girl from death saying “damsel, I say to you arise.” The name Taletha Koum was for us gender balanced since we have had both girls and boys attending our programs.

In 2013, I, Cornelius, made my first trip to the United States to raise money for Taletha Koum, which came to be known as The Library Dreams Project within the States.

However, over the years it has been a little cumbersome to explain to everyone we met what the name of the ministry meant and to clarify that Taletha Koum and The Library Dreams Project are one in the same.

We prayed and the Lord gave us a simplified name that instantly depicts our ministry. The new ministry name is: “Beats and Books,” representing Music and Literacy.

From here forward, The Library Dreams Project (Taletha Koum) will be known as Beats and Books.

We look forward to seeing you again this year and share God stories.

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