LXP Lesotho Ministry – Camp is coming! / Family Updates

Photo: a learning session during our previous camp in October 2022 themed “EVERGREEN” from Jeremiah 17:7-8
April LXP Youth Camp
It’s that time of year again where we load up the truck with kitchen pots, mattresses, luggage, and kids to go to camp! This Easter break, from April 7-10, we will be setting up our camp site at a local high school. We expect about 50 campers, aged 8 to early 20’s. Our theme this camp is “BETLA TSELA” (which means “Make Your Own Way”) which comes from Isaiah 30:21 “whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying. “this is the way; walk in it”. There are lots of paths we can take in this life, but thankfully we have a faithful guide in Jesus Christ to show us the right way! Please pray for receptive spirits in the campers, wisdom and strength for the staff and volunteers as we plan and host the camp, and a fun, fruitful time experiencing all God has planned!
Family Update
A few short highlights from the beginning of the year:
- Godfrey is in the process of applying for his US passport. Please pray this goes smoothly and can be completed during our US trip this June-July
- Currently, Godfrey is enjoying a two-week trip to China. He was selected to be part of a training program and is learning about cloud computing and internet business while touring and sightseeing as well.
- Sophie is excelling in grade 2 and Liam in kindergarten.
- Judah is almost 14 months and loves walking, climbing, chatting, and socializing.
Prayer Points
- Sophie and Liam as they navigate challenges at school.
- Fundraising needs include $500 for camp and $7,000 for travel expenses of our USA trip
- A vehicle to rent or borrow while in USA June-July