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LXP Lesotho – Ministry Efforts

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The Leadership Experience, Lesotho takes a three-fold approach to ministry.

1. Discipling Youth

Saturday Kids & Youth ProgramSaturday Youth Program: We meet weekly with children and youth from the community gather to play games, do activities that develop character and godly values, and facilitate bible studies which impart biblical truths and encourage spiritual growth.

Camps: Bi-annually we take the youth from the Saturday Program to camp. Each camp has a unique theme that allows us to look deeply into the biblical truths and life applications we explore on Saturdays.

Develop local leaders: We recruit youth and young adults for the LXP program in South Africa. We develop local volunteers as they serve with us in ministry to equip them for the plans God has for them.

Skill development: We encourage sports, music, drama, dance and arts in order to help youth realize their God-given potential and use it for His glory. Our desire is to encourage young people to succeed in school so they can excel in all areas of their lives. We have weekly computer classes to teach members of the community basic computer skills and study the bible.

Abstinence Clubs: We meet with groups of students at local high schools who have made a commitment to abstinence until marriage and a lifestyle of purity and following Jesus.

2. Serving the Community

Door to door ministry and discipleship: We make house visits to introduce Jesus to the community members and pray for their needs. We continue to meet weekly in small group bible studies with those who give their lives to Jesus to encourage them, study the Bible with them, and encourage them as they follow Jesus and share their faith with others. We also seek practical ways to help them at home, especially orphans, widows, the very poor and those living with HIV/AIDS.

Community EventsCommunity Events: Each December we invite the community to enjoy an end-of-the-year party put on by the youth from our Saturday program where we share and celebrate all God has done that year. We also host a variety of events, like talent shows, where our kids get to share their passions and talents as an opportunity to connect with and impact others from the community. To promote community development we invite guests to share their skills and knowledge.

3. Reaching Out

Local Outreaches: We regularly take our youth on local outreaches to neighboring villages to reach others with the Gospel and to develop their skills and experiences in evangelism and ministering through prayer. One of our favorite places to go is a local school for disabled children, Thuso e tla Tsoa Kae, where we play with the students, help them learn life skills, and share the love of Jesus.

Mountain Village OutreachMountain Village Outreaches: December 2013 we took our first group of youth leaders to Ha Makopela village in the mountains of Lesotho. We will return annually for follow-up and continued evangelism, simple church planting, discipleship of the believers and youth ministry in Ha Makopela and other communities.

Beat the Drum: Beat the Drum is an initiative to promote abstinence and share the truth about HIV among secondary and high school students in southern Africa. Using a curriculum based on the Hollywood film of the same name, volunteers facilitate classroom discussions that lead to transformation in the lives of the students as the realign their values to God’s.

We are currently preparing for our 13th bi-annual kids and youth camp which will be held next week from 29 September to 2 October. We will be looking into the exciting theme “The Journey” with more than 90 kids and youth aged 8-23. Our theme will be explored by looking into the experience of the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land and how these different challenges and victories apply to our lives today. We will experience a “Wilderness Hike”, bible study, intentional one-on-one conversations and prayer, praise and worship, games, and transformational encounters with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and I!

Please be praying with us on the following points:

  • unity as a leadership team and among all the campers
  • safety and protection against physical and spiritual attacks
  • true understanding of the topics to be covered and real life application for each camper
  • favor in the areas of preparations, logistics and finances
  • wisdom for the leaders and the heart of God for each young person in our care for these four days
  • a fun, refreshing, healing, and memorable time!

Current prayer and tangible needs:

  • Wisdom and grace as we transition into a new season of ministry with a baby, and additional short or long term staff to come alongside us in Lesotho
  • $3000 to install flooring in the LXP House
  • $500 to build a shack at the LXP Ministry Base to be used as a storage shed and small meeting hall
  • Finances for upcoming events: youth camp, follow-up outreach to mountain village, Christmas events in the community

The Mosobases

G&EGodfrey grew up in Butha-Buthe, Lesotho. After three years of ministry training and service with UCSA and LXP in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa and All Nations in Cape Town, South Africa he felt called to start a branch of LXP in his hometown. In 2009 he founded LXP Lesotho.

Elizabeth, originally from Oregon, USA, received a BA in International Relations from the University of San Diego in 2007, and completed All Nations’ ministry training program in 2009. As part of Elizabeth’s outreach with All Nations, her team served with Godfrey in Lesotho. Later that year she joined the staff of LXP Lesotho and they were married in 2011.

They have a passion for seeing people come to know Jesus, discipling youth, and equipping people to live the full life God intends for them. Their dream is to see communities in Lesotho transformed by the power of the Gospel. They are expecting their first child, a daughter, next month!

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