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LXP Lesotho Youth Camp

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“It’s that time of year again, when we load up the mattresses and pots and sound system and go to CAMP! From 29 September to 2 October we will be looking into the exciting theme “The Journey” with more than 90 kids and youth aged 8-23. Our theme will be explored by looking into the experience of the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land and how these different challenges and victories apply to our lives today. We will experience a “Wilderness Hike”, bible study, intentional one-on-one conversations and prayer, praise and worship, games, and transformational encounters with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and I!

Please be praying with us on the following points:

  • unity as a leadership team and among all the campers
  • safety and protection against physical and spiritual attacks
  • true understanding of the topics to be covered and real life application for each camper
  • favor in the areas of preparations, logistics and finances
  • wisdom for the leaders and the heart of God for each young person in our care for these four days
  • a fun, refreshing, healing, and memorable time!

Thank you for standing with us throughout the years as we walk a journey of discipleship with these young people and aim to follow Christ with pure hearts and to be holy as He is holy.”

–  Elizabeth Mosobase

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LXP Lesotho Youth Camp

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“It’s that time of year again, when we load up the mattresses and pots and sound system and go to CAMP! From 29 September to 2 October we will be looking into the exciting theme “The Journey” with more than 90 kids and youth aged 8-23. Our theme will be explored by looking into the experience of the Israelites as they journeyed from Egypt to the Promised Land and how these different challenges and victories apply to our lives today. We will experience a “Wilderness Hike”, bible study, intentional one-on-one conversations and prayer, praise and worship, games, and transformational encounters with the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and I!

Please be praying with us on the following points:

  • unity as a leadership team and among all the campers
  • safety and protection against physical and spiritual attacks
  • true understanding of the topics to be covered and real life application for each camper
  • favor in the areas of preparations, logistics and finances
  • wisdom for the leaders and the heart of God for each young person in our care for these four days
  • a fun, refreshing, healing, and memorable time!

Thank you for standing with us throughout the years as we walk a journey of discipleship with these young people and aim to follow Christ with pure hearts and to be holy as He is holy.”

–  Elizabeth Mosobase

Camp2 Camp3

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