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Making God’s name BIG!

Michael BollingPicture this man running around prepping food. He’s switching out trays of dishes, noticing if the forks are running low and if the ice is melting faster than usual. He’s noticing the excess and not planning to waste any of it. He’s the jovial guy, greeting everyone, asking how you are doing and working all at the same time. Nothing about his place or position is about him. He is in the service industry and he’s passionate about serving. You may even find yourself asking someone close by, who is that nice guy coordinating the food? He has a big smile and he doesn’t care if you know his name. That must be Michael Bolling.

For years, he has been a background supporter of Grace Klein Community. He’s one of God’s “no names” making GOD’s name big. And over the years, he’s given deer meat, chips, hamburger buns, coleslaw, meat, tomatoes, lettuce, condiments, cheese, peppers, fish, hot-dogs, drinks, pickles, on and on the list goes.

Michael Bolling FamilyWe could not calculate the many people he has helped by rescuing the excess, by protecting the leftovers, by collecting what is left and re-purposing it to bless others.

“After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” – John 6:12 (just saying, Jesus said this!!)

Tossing the leftovers in the trash is the easy way. Work an event all day and you want to go home. You have sweat running down your face and everywhere else. You smell yourself. You are tired of cleaning up, refilling, hauling supplies and moving cases and cases of food. The trash bins look pretty good about then. But, Michael has discipline to think about others before himself.

A journey with Jesus is knowing what it is to die to ourselves so that Christ might live in us. Christ is always thinking of the other person. Christ is loving others as we love ourselves. Christ is laying down our lives for others. As we grow in our walks with Jesus, Michael shows us how Jesus infiltrates every part of our lives. Jesus becomes the joy we share and the enthusiasm we have for service. Michael is a living example that work can be worship to Jesus.

In the walking with Jesus, Michael shows us that loving others is about doing the secret things well. We can say it doesn’t matter and toss the leftovers in the trash or we can think about how could this be used for more? Yes, it will likely cost us time and energy and keep us from that shower a little longer, when we’ve had a long day.

What if the things that really matter are these moments, the ketchup and pickle moments. Maybe our obedience to Christ is the extra hour hauling the excess to the office or rearranging the freezer of a friend to make room for more?! What if our chance to give is humbling rescuing the half full pan of lasagna, after the staff meeting, or stewing and freezing the leftover sliced tomatoes. Could our service to others be more about the stewardship of these moments? When Jesus answers a family’s prayer for cheese with a half-used block or ten families can have salad for dinner, it must be worth it!

Michael Bolling may not even realize his obedience could be the answer to someone’s prayer. All he must know is what he does in secret is of great worship to our Father. His relationship with Jesus grows every time he is faithful to what God entrusts into his care.

When we least expect it, the phone will ring or the Facebook messenger will ding, and Grace Klein Community will receive another load from Michael’s obedience.

Michael Bolling is a vital member of Grace Klein Community. Yes, we are better together.

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Making God’s name BIG

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Michael BollingPicture this man running around prepping food. He’s switching out trays of dishes, noticing if the forks are running low and if the ice is melting faster than usual. He’s noticing the excess and not planning to waste any of it. He’s the jovial guy, greeting everyone, asking how you are doing and working all at the same time. Nothing about his place or position is about him. He is in the service industry and he’s passionate about serving. You may even find yourself asking someone close by, who is that nice guy coordinating the food? He has a big smile and he doesn’t care if you know his name. That must be Michael Bolling.

For years, he has been a background supporter of Grace Klein Community. He’s one of God’s “no names” making GOD’s name big. And over the years, he’s given deer meat, chips, hamburger buns, coleslaw, meat, tomatoes, lettuce, condiments, cheese, peppers, fish, hot-dogs, drinks, pickles, on and on the list goes.

Michael Bolling FamilyWe could not calculate the many people he has helped by rescuing the excess, by protecting the leftovers, by collecting what is left and re-purposing it to bless others.

“After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted.” – John 6:12 (just saying, Jesus said this!!)

Tossing the leftovers in the trash is the easy way. Work an event all day and you want to go home. You have sweat running down your face and everywhere else. You smell yourself. You are tired of cleaning up, refilling, hauling supplies and moving cases and cases of food. The trash bins look pretty good about then. But, Michael has discipline to think about others before himself.

A journey with Jesus is knowing what it is to die to ourselves so that Christ might live in us. Christ is always thinking of the other person. Christ is loving others as we love ourselves. Christ is laying down our lives for others. As we grow in our walks with Jesus, Michael shows us how Jesus infiltrates every part of our lives. Jesus becomes the joy we share and the enthusiasm we have for service. Michael is a living example that work can be worship to Jesus.

In the walking with Jesus, Michael shows us that loving others is about doing the secret things well. We can say it doesn’t matter and toss the leftovers in the trash or we can think about how could this be used for more? Yes, it will likely cost us time and energy and keep us from that shower a little longer, when we’ve had a long day.

What if the things that really matter are these moments, the ketchup and pickle moments. Maybe our obedience to Christ is the extra hour hauling the excess to the office or rearranging the freezer of a friend to make room for more?! What if our chance to give is humbling rescuing the half full pan of lasagna, after the staff meeting, or stewing and freezing the leftover sliced tomatoes. Could our service to others be more about the stewardship of these moments? When Jesus answers a family’s prayer for cheese with a half-used block or ten families can have salad for dinner, it must be worth it!

Michael Bolling may not even realize his obedience could be the answer to someone’s prayer. All he must know is what he does in secret is of great worship to our Father. His relationship with Jesus grows every time he is faithful to what God entrusts into his care.

When we least expect it, the phone will ring or the Facebook messenger will ding, and Grace Klein Community will receive another load from Michael’s obedience.

Michael Bolling is a vital member of Grace Klein Community. Yes, we are better together.

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