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Mallette Family Adoption Update

IMG_2739“Here She Is!!!! We have filled out paperwork and waited, filled out more paperwork and waited more and we finally know her face! God has known her all along, and has led her name and face to us faithfully. We were just matched with this bundle of joy this past week and look forward to bringing her home in a few months!

Our yard sale was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard for us, those who donated directly to our yard sale, to Grace Klein Community for providing tons of donations, and those of you who donated to Grace Klein Community (there is a good chance at least some of what you donated ended up in our yard sale). God provided huge! There was so much encouragement from those who came and shopped (this was a blessing that I did not anticipate. All the sweet words from others were so amazing). $2500 was raised!

We ask for continued prayers as we are in the final stages of this journey. We still need to raise $18,000 to bring our daughter home. Join us in praying that she would remain healthy, that God would prepare her heart for the big change that will be coming in her life and He would provide everything we need to bring our baby girl home. God is faithful…”

Here’s how you can give:

Checks can be mailed to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216 or DONATE online. Please indicate “Mallette Adoption” in the memo section.

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Mallette Family Adoption Update

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IMG_2739“Here She Is!!!! We have filled out paperwork and waited, filled out more paperwork and waited more and we finally know her face! God has known her all along, and has led her name and face to us faithfully. We were just matched with this bundle of joy this past week and look forward to bringing her home in a few months!

Our yard sale was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard for us, those who donated directly to our yard sale, to Grace Klein Community for providing tons of donations, and those of you who donated to Grace Klein Community (there is a good chance at least some of what you donated ended up in our yard sale). God provided huge! There was so much encouragement from those who came and shopped (this was a blessing that I did not anticipate. All the sweet words from others were so amazing). $2500 was raised!

We ask for continued prayers as we are in the final stages of this journey. We still need to raise $18,000 to bring our daughter home. Join us in praying that she would remain healthy, that God would prepare her heart for the big change that will be coming in her life and He would provide everything we need to bring our baby girl home. God is faithful…”

Here’s how you can give:

Checks can be mailed to Grace Klein Community, 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216 or DONATE online. Please indicate “Mallette Adoption” in the memo section.

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