BIRTHDAYS – Gertrude turned 19 years old on March 11th, 2022, Morgan turned 6 years old on March 26th, 2022, and Phillip turned 6 years on March 12th, 2022.

Girl’s Talk– On a girl’s talk, the Matron Mrs. Harriet Lungu taught the older girls how to bake meat pies. The girls were very excited, and they did a great job.

Home Report– Austin’s bleeding condition is getting worse. We took him to the hospital, and he was put on a vitamin k injection. We are waiting upon the doctor to give a referral letter so we can take him to Lusaka for a treatment. Chrispin; had a terrible cough and is on medication too.
VISITATIONS– Obert was visited at Kazungula where he is attending school and doing fine.
On March 8th 2022 Kwathu women joined the rest of the world in celebrating women’s day.

The month of March was another exciting month because, the two major activities were accomplished. Teaching and learning went on well without any interruption. On March 10th, the school had a sports activity. On this day, learners are divided into their respective houses, hence naming the events as inter- houses to have easy identification of the best runners. Among the houses was Luangwa, Zambezi and Kafue. Zambezi was the best team.
Another event was held on the 26th, where the school had quizzes for entire grades. This was done in order to enhance their daily studies and encouraged the students to do more research as they do their daily studies.
SCHOOL STRONG ROOM– Kwathu school is building its own strong room. The strong room is important because the school can be registered as an exam center, which allows students to take their exams at their school rather than having to walk to other schools in the area. The strong room is done and only the doors are remaining.

DONATIONS– We received no donations in the month March.
CLINIC PROJECT– The clinic project has continued to progress daily. In the month of March, we managed finish the toilets and put concrete slabs in the clinic. It is 98% done and the only thing remaining is put getting air corns and wooden flow tiles. It is our hope that this project will finish in good time so that we can start offering health services to our children in the school, the home, and the community.

The month of March we built a new soakaway to solve the problem of sewer water contaminating our environment.
FARM WORKS– The month of March has been busy with works at the farm. We are currently building a goat house and are planning to start keeping goats. Our target is to start with at least 50 goats. Also, we are building the toilets and showers at the farm and a camp site.



- School Bus (US $20,000)
- Pencils, crayons, sharpeners, calculators, pens e.tc.
- Clothes for ages 2-6
- 2-ton trailer
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