BIRTHDAYS – Obet celebrated his 17th birthday on the 3rd of May. He was given a gift voucher. Abraham Daka celebrated his 13th birthday on May 4th. Mapalo also celebrated her 13th birthday on the 26th of May and she had a mini-birthday party. The birthday boys and girl are grateful for turning a year older.

SCHOOLS – All children reported for school in high spirit. Most of the toddlers did well in their end of term exams with only a few still struggling. Obert and Rosaria did very well and Linto’s results improved a lot. Our teens did well in their end of term exams apart from Austin and Charity. All had excuses of why they did not perform well. Most of them failed math and Science. All promised to do better in their performance.

Labor Day Celebration – Theme: Accelerating Job Creation for Economic Growth
In the month of May, Kwathu joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Labor Day. The following individuals were awarded: Mr. Lungu (most hard working); Madam Harriet (most outstanding); Maureen Mudenda (House Mother), the most improved employee; Andrew Siampombwe Jr. (Head Driver), the most Dedicated Employee; Daniel Mutema (Teacher), the most hard Working Employee; Ezakiel Simweene (Farm Manager), the longest Serving Employee; Janet Mwandila (Social Worker), the most cost efficient employee and Charles Mayina (Administrator),the most innovative employee.

Volunteers – In the Month of May we received two local volunteers named Lemmy and Caroline. They are volunteering with us for three months. Their primary responsibilities will be to work at the school with children and at the home helping mama’s with house chores.
Kwathu School – The month of May begins the second term of the calendar. During this month, the school was visited by the school standard officers in order to assess the school’s suitability for renewal of registration to operate for 2023. The children are happy to be back in school and they are filled with joy and happiness even as they come to school daily.

Clinic Project – Good news! Kwathu Clinic was given a go ahead to register for license after a long fight with the government. We have started the process of registration and what we need now is the registration fee and the license fee.

Kwathu School Projects – Meet our talented Grade seven (7) Agness Mubombo, she made this beautiful doormat for her Home Economics SBA Project. This doormat represents our Zambian Flag, which is a symbol of Patriotism and the nation’s wealth.

- School Bus (US$20,000)
- Pencils, crayons, sharpeners, calculators, pens, etc.
- Clothing for ages 6 – 12
- We also require a 2-ton trailer for our farm operations.
To give a donation towards Kwathu Ministries, please follow this link:
Contact us at [email protected], we would love to hear from you!