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Meet Our Newest Board Members

On October 25, 2016, after unanimous votes from the Grace Klein Community board, we are pleased to announce our newest board members – Tim Linderman and Trey Horton!

Meet Tim Linderman


“I was raised in Huntsville, AL, and graduated with Bachelor of Science degrees in Political Science and Sociology from Birmingham-Southern College and with a Masters of Business Management from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. I was employed for over 20 years in the electronic healthcare and information technology industries as a project and implementation manager. I have been blessed to know my wife, Renee, for almost 20 years, and we were married in 2003. God orchestrated my retirement in 2012 so I might serve a much more important role of homeschooling my two daughters, Abigail (born 2005) and Kathryn (born 2007). Since Renee works from home, we are all fortunate to spend most of our days together. Our family has volunteered, contributed or otherwise served Grace Klein Community since 2010. It has been a pleasure and blessing to live, love, serve, mourn, grow and learn alongside this awesome community of believers, and our family is fortunate to consider many involved with GKC to be our close friends and family.”

Meet Trey Horton


“I am a Birmingham Native, born at Princeton, in 1966. A year later my parents bought a home on Valley Avenue where I spent the next 20 years of my life. I attended Edgewood Elementary, Homewood Jr High, Homewood High and Jefferson State.

I have had a job since I was 11 years old. You had to be 11 to get your first paper route back in the 70’s so I rolled newspapers for 50 cents a week every day for the route guys and got my own route when I was 11. My father was a banker and financed manufactured housing and when I was seventeen and out of high school sent me to work with one of his customers. I sold my first home to a farmer in Brewton, Alabama, two weeks before my 18th birthday. It was then I started helping people obtain housing that has continued through today. The people I’ve helped get homes are in the thousands.

I currently am a Loan Officer for Interlinc Mortgage Services and have been on the financing end since 2005 when I closed down three manufactured housing dealerships I owned due to the economy. I also owned three mortgage companies during the mortgage debacle. Failure has never been an option for me. Success is required! So I work very hard to get out and do my job well. My job of course is helping people. Loan officers make dreams happen. We change the community when we help ownership happen with a family that was renting. My expertise with my years of housing helps me be the best out there.

While I market myself using referral partners for business I found that networking through structured meetings was the way to go. You have a set group working to help each other directly each week. It’s like having 20 salesmen out selling for you 24/7. Now eight years later in the networking world I run two successful large groups with a total of over 35 members who meet weekly. We also have on average 2 to 4 visitors every week as well. I decided to utilize this sphere of influence when I met Karen SB Hardy. She came to one of our events and of course we all loved her. She told us about Grace Klein and I thought what a great way to give back. Most adults I know are too busy to serve. They think… So If I allowed Grace Klein an honorary membership and to work as a position of leadership in the group we could provide massive amounts of support and funding for the charity.

Since we have joined forces with GKC I have built lifelong friendships with the people that are involved. I have also received more hugs from people I deliver food for than I can count. I have so much fun out talking to the people I deliver too. We cut up, talk about things that make them smile… and they all love hugs! I have seen everything from project apartments with no furniture, just a tv and babies running around everywhere, needing this food to the elderly, living alone and hungry. I’ve seen how what GKC makes a difference. That’s why I help all I can. I have transported bread weekly for about a year and a half now, push for volunteers daily and work very hard to raise money for GKC.

Gina and I have been married for 17 years and have an amazing son named Grant. We love adventures together and part of those adventures include serving with GKC.”

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