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Mission Serve – NC to AL

To sum up a week of work, fun, work, play, work, eating, work, prayer, work, singing… in just a few words… IS VERY HARD TO DO!!!  The team of young people, middle schoolers, college students and their wonderful adult advisers from Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby, NC were a REAL JOY to Metro CME and the community of Ensley!

As mentioned in a previous post, a team from Mission Serve reached out to Grace Klein Community asking how we could partner to love on Birmingham together during their time here in July.

On Sunday, June 9, 2017, approximately 65 young people and their advisors, worshiped with us at Metro CME as we celebrated Youth and Young Adult Day! What a great time in the Lord we had!

The first half of Monday, June 10th, 25 students helped reorganize the clothing closet, and they did an awesome job! After lunch, we visited the McAlpine Recreation Center, where Summer Camp was taking place. The team loved on the kids through various arts and crafts activities.

On Tuesday we journeyed on a Prayer Walk throughout the Ensley area, praying over homes and the people the Lord brought along our paths.

Wednesday, June 12th, the team assisted in the Community Garden at the McAlpine Recreation Center. After pouring out all their energy into serving and loving on the Ensley community, the team were blessed to enjoy some down time at the Birmingham Zoo and the Summit Shopping Center.

On Thursday the students painted the fence surrounding the property of Metro CME Church, painted the wheelchair ramp and cleaned the parsonage’s yard and porch.

On Friday, the team spent time loving on the kids attending the Summer Camp at the McAlphine Recreation Center. Later that day the students returned to Metro CME with their praise band and together we lifted the name of Jesus in song and praise!!!

A big thanks to Grace Klein Community for their generous donations of food and sweet treats which equipped us to serve the young people and show our appreciation for their efforts. What a great time we had in the Lord! The students were so loving.

Thank you Grace Klein Community for connecting Elizabeth Baptist Church with Metro CME and the Ensley Community!

Mrs. Sheila Loves All Of You!!!
– Sheila Parks, Volunteer Ministry Coordinator, Metro CME

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Mission Serve – NC to AL

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To sum up a week of work, fun, work, play, work, eating, work, prayer, work, singing… in just a few words… IS VERY HARD TO DO!!!  The team of young people, middle schoolers, college students and their wonderful adult advisers from Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby, NC were a REAL JOY to Metro CME and the community of Ensley!

As mentioned in a previous post, a team from Mission Serve reached out to Grace Klein Community asking how we could partner to love on Birmingham together during their time here in July.

On Sunday, June 9, 2017, approximately 65 young people and their advisors, worshiped with us at Metro CME as we celebrated Youth and Young Adult Day! What a great time in the Lord we had!

The first half of Monday, June 10th, 25 students helped reorganize the clothing closet, and they did an awesome job! After lunch, we visited the McAlpine Recreation Center, where Summer Camp was taking place. The team loved on the kids through various arts and crafts activities.

On Tuesday we journeyed on a Prayer Walk throughout the Ensley area, praying over homes and the people the Lord brought along our paths.

Wednesday, June 12th, the team assisted in the Community Garden at the McAlpine Recreation Center. After pouring out all their energy into serving and loving on the Ensley community, the team were blessed to enjoy some down time at the Birmingham Zoo and the Summit Shopping Center.

On Thursday the students painted the fence surrounding the property of Metro CME Church, painted the wheelchair ramp and cleaned the parsonage’s yard and porch.

On Friday, the team spent time loving on the kids attending the Summer Camp at the McAlphine Recreation Center. Later that day the students returned to Metro CME with their praise band and together we lifted the name of Jesus in song and praise!!!

A big thanks to Grace Klein Community for their generous donations of food and sweet treats which equipped us to serve the young people and show our appreciation for their efforts. What a great time we had in the Lord! The students were so loving.

Thank you Grace Klein Community for connecting Elizabeth Baptist Church with Metro CME and the Ensley Community!

Mrs. Sheila Loves All Of You!!!
– Sheila Parks, Volunteer Ministry Coordinator, Metro CME

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