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“My Name is Annie. Like Orphan Annie.”

“Ever meet someone that became your instant friend? I mean, the first time she opened her mouth, you knew she wouldn’t remain just an acquaintance…because she wouldn’t allow it. She takes on life with a joy that crushes opposition. Not because she’s never experienced opposition. She’s had PLENTY, but because she chooses not to let circumstances take her or her family out. She’s a fighter, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a volunteer, and she sucks you into her life and gives you a place there…and you love it.

And so it goes of my experience with Annie Stewart. If glitter trails were visible, you would see hers everywhere she goes. She’s a mom of 4 incredible boys. She’s tough and sweet. She pulls people in and walks through life with them. She’s the friend you can’t help but cry with and two seconds later laugh with because she can laugh when things are hard…and her laughter is contagious.

Annie has made a huge impact here at Grace Klein Community. I don’t have to ask Annie to come help at the office. Annie tells me when she’ll be here and lets me know I better have work for her to do. And work she does. Her boys jump in and do whatever is asked of them. They tell me crazy jokes while they work and ask good questions. They give me sweet hugs and show me pictures they’ve drawn. It feels like family. This is what community is about. This is real. Annie and her boys are a part of my family’s life and it feels good to be a small part of theirs.

If you need a good friend to lift your spirits, come meet Annie. You can’t miss her, she’s the one with the baby on her back.”

– Amaris Joy, Volunteer Coordinator

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“My Name is Annie. Like Orphan Annie.”

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“Ever meet someone that became your instant friend? I mean, the first time she opened her mouth, you knew she wouldn’t remain just an acquaintance…because she wouldn’t allow it. She takes on life with a joy that crushes opposition. Not because she’s never experienced opposition. She’s had PLENTY, but because she chooses not to let circumstances take her or her family out. She’s a fighter, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a volunteer, and she sucks you into her life and gives you a place there…and you love it.

And so it goes of my experience with Annie Stewart. If glitter trails were visible, you would see hers everywhere she goes. She’s a mom of 4 incredible boys. She’s tough and sweet. She pulls people in and walks through life with them. She’s the friend you can’t help but cry with and two seconds later laugh with because she can laugh when things are hard…and her laughter is contagious.

Annie has made a huge impact here at Grace Klein Community. I don’t have to ask Annie to come help at the office. Annie tells me when she’ll be here and lets me know I better have work for her to do. And work she does. Her boys jump in and do whatever is asked of them. They tell me crazy jokes while they work and ask good questions. They give me sweet hugs and show me pictures they’ve drawn. It feels like family. This is what community is about. This is real. Annie and her boys are a part of my family’s life and it feels good to be a small part of theirs.

If you need a good friend to lift your spirits, come meet Annie. You can’t miss her, she’s the one with the baby on her back.”

– Amaris Joy, Volunteer Coordinator

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