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Need a Dose of Good-Hearted Sarcasm?

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A couple of months ago we wrote about one of our dear community members, Annie Stewart… the woman who apparently has a child growing on her back…wink, wink. Annie introduced one of her friends, Oswin, to Grace Klein Community earlier this year. Every time you see Annie serving onsite at the Grace Klein Community office, or out in the community, you will most likely see Oswin.

Oswin loves to fold clothes! It’s like her super power! That’s not all though…Oswin builds boxes like a champ, unloads trucks, sorts food and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty.  She is always willing to help wherever the greatest need. And our bonus, it feels like we just won tickets to the Comedy StarDome! Need a good dose of good-hearted sarcasm? Oswin is definitely one of the wittiest and funniest volunteers! Her reactions to other people and situations are priceless! Always in good taste and followed by hilarious facial expressions, you are guaranteed to increase your level of joy for the day by at least 78%! When you need to see people or circumstances in a positive light, we’ll call Oswin and set up a time for you to meet at the Grace Klein Community office. Move over anxiety pills, here comes Oswin!

Oswin brought a lot of joy to the hearts of many volunteer’s days leading up to the No More Safety Pins event held in August. There was, and never is, a dull moment when Oswin is in the room. She has never met a stranger. Oswin can make anyone feel like they are her best friend. Oswin’s presence at the No More Safety Pins event made another feel so comfortable that she no longer needed to keep her headphones in her ears while serving, as a means to block out the world around her. Did she even know that that specific mama really needed a friend, someone to notice her and care for her heart? Oswin’s obedience to the voice of the Father is truly beautiful and inspiring. Loving another comes SO naturally to her, without question. Her heart radiates Him. Her smile, laugh and enthusiasm for life is contagious. Why? Because Jesus resides deep within her.

Another aspect of Oswin, we must not forget, is her desire to give Jesus her very best.  Her very best clothing is what she shares.  Her very best attitude.  Her very best work ethic.  Her very best hugs, smiles and listening ears.  Her very best patience and kindness.  If she is giving anything to the world, she is giving the best, and that BEST, dear friends, is Jesus.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7




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Need a Dose of Good-Hearted Sarcasm?

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A couple of months ago we wrote about one of our dear community members, Annie Stewart… the woman who apparently has a child growing on her back…wink, wink. Annie introduced one of her friends, Oswin, to Grace Klein Community earlier this year. Every time you see Annie serving onsite at the Grace Klein Community office, or out in the community, you will most likely see Oswin.

Oswin loves to fold clothes! It’s like her super power! That’s not all though…Oswin builds boxes like a champ, unloads trucks, sorts food and doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty.  She is always willing to help wherever the greatest need. And our bonus, it feels like we just won tickets to the Comedy StarDome! Need a good dose of good-hearted sarcasm? Oswin is definitely one of the wittiest and funniest volunteers! Her reactions to other people and situations are priceless! Always in good taste and followed by hilarious facial expressions, you are guaranteed to increase your level of joy for the day by at least 78%! When you need to see people or circumstances in a positive light, we’ll call Oswin and set up a time for you to meet at the Grace Klein Community office. Move over anxiety pills, here comes Oswin!

Oswin brought a lot of joy to the hearts of many volunteer’s days leading up to the No More Safety Pins event held in August. There was, and never is, a dull moment when Oswin is in the room. She has never met a stranger. Oswin can make anyone feel like they are her best friend. Oswin’s presence at the No More Safety Pins event made another feel so comfortable that she no longer needed to keep her headphones in her ears while serving, as a means to block out the world around her. Did she even know that that specific mama really needed a friend, someone to notice her and care for her heart? Oswin’s obedience to the voice of the Father is truly beautiful and inspiring. Loving another comes SO naturally to her, without question. Her heart radiates Him. Her smile, laugh and enthusiasm for life is contagious. Why? Because Jesus resides deep within her.

Another aspect of Oswin, we must not forget, is her desire to give Jesus her very best.  Her very best clothing is what she shares.  Her very best attitude.  Her very best work ethic.  Her very best hugs, smiles and listening ears.  Her very best patience and kindness.  If she is giving anything to the world, she is giving the best, and that BEST, dear friends, is Jesus.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

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