BIRTHDAYS – On November 1st, 2021, we celebrated Chrispin’s 5th birthday. It was a great joy to celebrate this special day with the other children.

SCHOOLS – Schools are still in progress. Austin and Linto are busy preparing for their 9th grade final examination while Charity finished writing her 7th grade final examination. Charity was awarded a certificate of completion. The rest of the children in non-examination classes have also continued with academic lessons and mid-term assessments.

CHRISTMAS PREPARATIONS – The festival season is just around the corner and the children have started their preparations of activities for the Christmas party. This is a time to spend together to share love and lots of laughter.
EXTRA ACTIVITY– The gardening is coming up so well and soon the vegetables will be ready for consumption.

November was the final month for the 7th grade who wrote their final examination on the 15th to 19th. The exams were conducted at Faith Christian Academy School, which is Kwathu’s partner in relation to examination programs. Fortunately, enough, all the sixteen students sat for exams without any challenges. The students were accompanied by teacher Phales, Don and Hachoose
On November 5th, the 6th and 7th grade examination classes had an educational tour to the Livingstone Museum and the Victoria Falls. On this day the learners had a great time. The purpose of this tour was for them to have an experience of learning from outside the classroom environment. It was an exciting tour to them as some of them it was the first time that they visited the waterfall and museum. Thanks to Madam Linda Mtonga for making this possible for our school going children.

DONATIONS– Girls Brigade from Grace Ministry Church visited and made donation of groceries, clothing, and shoes to Kwathu Children Home.

CLINIC PROJECT– As previously stated in the October update, the clinic is completed. only the ablution block (toilets) has a few touches remaining. This project is meant to benefit the children and the community around Kwathu Children’s Home to access the much-needed medical care.

Clinic ablution block
VISITATION– Mr. Handongwe visited and had some motivational talks and teachings with our children.

KWATHU FARMS– November went by quickly as there were plenty of small projects concerning building of the farmhouse. The following are small projects we pursued and now completed:
- Roofing of the farmhouse together with ridges
- Plastering inside and outside the house
- Fitting of the main security doors
- Fitting in window seals and reviews
- Fitting in glass panes, handles and stays on all the windows
- Building of the septic tank and installing a second water tank stand
All these works have been done bringing the house construction to 90% to date.

OUR NEEDS LIST: Contact us at [email protected]
- School Bus (US$20,000)
- Pencils, crayons, sharpeners, calculators, pens Clothes for ages 6-20
- Christmas gifts for all our children from 2- to 18-years.
- 2-ton trailer