A longstanding community friend, Allyson Sutton, reached out to Grace Klein Community after reading our monthly newsletter and here’s what she said…
“I have something to run by you… And this is not set in stone but just an idea that the Lord laid on my heart this morning.
Grant (her son and baseball player at Oak Mountain High School) is selling Boston butts for baseball and we have to sell a total of 15. They will be delivered hot on March 21. Instead of selling them to individuals I would love to offer for people to buy them and donate them to Grace Klein Community to be given to families in need at Easter. If I can make that happen could you possibly meet me at the high school the day they get delivered with some coolers to pick them up? I know people are always looking for a way to help others and I think people would jump on that (fingers crossed.) ”
And our response: “Love it!!! A beautiful idea and what a treat it would be to families. Absolutely go for it. We have many families that would be shocked and delighted by that.”
How encouraged are you that this woman listened to God, had great courage to pursue the idea and trusted Him to provide?!!!
Grace Klein Community makes a difference because the people of this community listen to God and step out in faith.
Because she stepped out in faith to provide a Boston Butt or a ham to a food insecure family for Easter AND because she invited friends to join her, other people were empowered and inspired to give too. Through her obedience to simply ask, 23 families will receive a Boston butt or ham on our March 24, 2018, food delivery.
An incredible display of what a simple act of obedience can do and a perfect example of our March theme – Won’t You Be My Neighbor.
As Mr. Rogers said, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”
Kindness makes us ask questions. Why would you give me a Boston butt? Why would you give me a ham? Strangers did this? Why?
And when our friends ask those questions, we can tell them about Jesus. We can share how a precious lady in our community felt a little nudge from the Lord to do something. An idea to love others more than herself. And she took the courage to ask her friends to help her bless them, so not only their family of four, but twenty-two other families of four, or 92 people could remember Jesus on Easter morning through some meat. When they eat that ham or Boston butt, they can remember Jesus loves them, He thought of them, and He provided them something special for dinner. And if He can tell a lady to source some meat for them, then maybe He does love them enough to have died on a cross for them, willing to forgive them of everything and to give them an abundant life if they will take the risk to trust Him. Maybe for the first time, Easter will mean something, something big that will change them, all from the gift of meat.
That’s our Jesus. Don’t be surprised.
If God gives you a hair-brained idea of how to love on Birmingham, please reach out to us and see if we can work together to make it happen. Let’s be courageous in our obedience to Jesus and see what HE does. Email your God-sized idea to serve@gracekleincommunity.com.
“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” – 2 John 1:6