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One of Our Angels

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Mature women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” – Titus 2:3-5

“Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, THIS is my friend Nancy Downer. I have known Nancy for almost 2 years and the entire time that I have known her, I have watched her serve others. Nancy came into my life at a time when she needed prayer and she ended up ministering to me. She is the classic Titus 2 woman and exactly the kind of woman that we need volunteering at Grace Klein Community. 

Nancy first started following GKC online and watching our needs. Every other week Nancy would bring me a bag or a box of something that we had posted that we needed at the office. Then Christmas rolled around and we had posted about toys and our need for someone to adopt one of our families in need. Nancy jumped at the call and quickly grabbed Christmas gifts and more for a single mama and her child. There was a time, long ago, that Nancy was a single mama herself at Christmas trying to make ends meet and provide a Christmas for her kids. Nancy could relate and began to find other ways to help at Grace Klein because of the kinship she now felt.  

A few months ago, I finally convinced Nancy to join me at our monthly food delivery. With her husband out of town, she agreed to spend the day with me delivering my route that has seven families. Nancy absolutely loved the hustle & bustle of monthly food delivery at Asbury UMC, but her heart was broken for the families that we serve. She has promised to bring her husband, Robert, back to join us for more. Nancy is truly an angel without visible wings, but a halo none-the-less! (wink)

We look forward to her future contributions of time and wisdom at the House on the Hill for single mamas. Nancy, thank you for giving your time and your heart to Grace Klein Community. Loving each other is what matters.” – Tracie Mark, Serve Team Coordinator  

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