iRefer is a networking group that has graciously chosen Grace Klein Community as the charity for their network. We participate weekly in this generous networking community as we work together to better one another.
This year, the iRefer group voted to sell fruit on behalf of Grace Klein Community. Each member will be selling the fruit to friends and family. They will also be asking friends to sponsor a box of fruit that can be given to each food box family in November. The dream is that over 200 boxes will be sponsored, above and beyond personal fruit purchases, so that every family in our food ministry can be blessed with an ENTIRE box of fruit.
All fruit sales must be completed by October 20, 2015. Expect the fruit to be available in mid November.
Can your family purchase some fruit or help sell fruit in your neighborhood? We can meet you with the sales packet information and you can get started. Sell at your businesses, at your gym, to the families on your kids sports teams, or door-to-door in your neighborhood. Whatever ideas you have to promote the opportunity!
Buy one box of fruit for yourself and sponsor a box of fruit for a family in need for Thanksgiving. If you do not want the fruit, sponsor one or two boxes to bless someone else.
Email [email protected] to begin selling fruit or to purchase a box. You can also purchase HERE. If you purchase online, please email Ryan to explain your purchase breakdown or explain in the memo section of PayPal.
See the brochure below for fruit box options.
Thank you for selling some fruit to help us help others.