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“My loving kindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer, My shield and He in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me.” Psalm 144:2

“A Fortress: “A secured and strong place.” When you meet our newest intern, Steeley Martin, you will see how well her name fits! Her name, Steeley, means “something made of steel, hard, safe or secure.” And boy is she! Steeley came on board a few months ago and instantly showed herself strong and committed not only to her word, but to whatever we needed her to do… it simply got done.

Steeley is in her last year at UAB majoring in Engineering and is also in Seminary. She is as passionate, yet as solid as they come. Steeley not only interns with Grace Klein Community, she also finds time to work part time for Grace Klein Construction. Talk about being well rounded!

Several weeks ago, many of you might remember that GKC had our annual camping week at Oak Mountain State Park. What you might not know is that most families have several children, in varying ages, that stay the entire week and need something to do during the daytime when some of their parents go back to work. Steeley not only jumped in as the resident “Youth Pastor,” but she had those kids laughing, listening and learning by her leadership example all week long.

Steeley has certainly made her mark on GKC and has taken over everything from donations, to pickups, to paperwork, phone calls and even serve days! We cannot imagine what it was like before she came. We absolutely love Steeley Martin and we are so very honored that she chooses to bless us with her many God-given gifts and talents at Grace Klein! We love you, Steeley!” – Tracie Mark Smith

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