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Outreach Update

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IMG_1288The outreach on Saturday at Metropolitan CME Church was amazing. There were at least 100 people there including many children. It was extremely well organized and orderly. The workers were scrapping old paint both inside and outside the activity building. New, fresh coats of paint were applied. Broken and boarded windows were replaced. The kitchen was scrubbed down and repainted. Overgrowth around the church cleared and removed, including a tree cut down that was growing in a garden area.

The garden was cleared so it could be used again. A small park across the street which was cleared and mowed, weeds were sprayed so that the children could again play in the area. Some new shrubbery was planted around the church. The steps to the sanctuary were pressure washed. Scripture was painted over the doors in the activity building.
The members of the church were totally in awe of how God has answered their prayers.


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