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Pass it forward

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A retired couple delivered a food box to a family. The mom mentioned she had clothing to donate that she would have pulled and ready the next month. However, the mom decided to go ahead and give a winter coat because it was cold that day.

The retired couple went to the next family to deliver a food box. They asked the mom if she needed anything. She mentioned a winter coat. They went outside to their car and got the coat from the first family.

The coat fit perfectly. God provided. The second lady praised God for the coat and praised Him even more when they explained they just received the coat at the last home.

The next month, the retired couple shared the God story with the first lady who donated the coat. She was very thankful she shared immediately and was amazed that God would use her extra coat to meet an immediate need of a neighbor she had never met.

What do we have,
That we do not need,
That someone else needs,
That we do not know?

Why do we hold tightly to things,
Just in case we need it one day,
When someone somewhere may need today,
What we have not used in months?

Lord, help us to trust you
For the ‘what if’ one day,
To share with someone right now.
And let our obedience be out of great love
So that hearts may be drawn to You.

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