Update from the Moon family:
“It’s hard to fathom that over three weeks have passed since Evan had emergency brain surgery. We never expected to find ourselves on this journey, but God is carrying us. We feel your prayers. We are tired from long days and long nights. Terry often goes home during the day to work and spends time with Evan in the evenings. Thankfully, Denise has remained by Evan’s side, anticipating his needs and advocating for him.
Several friends have visited in the last few days and that has been a gift and an encouragement to all of us. Therapy and visitors exhaust Evan, but both are good for him in their different ways. We appreciate how visitors have respected Evan’s energy levels, come in small groups and remembered to wash hands and use hand sanitizers. Evan cannot get sick or it will delay his treatment. If you have anything contagious, please do not put Evan at risk.
For the last two days we have gradually trimmed Evan’s beard to prepare for the fitting of the radiation mask on Friday. We hope to begin treatment next week.
Evan enjoys the sunshine everyday when his mom takes him outside, and spends his energy loving on the staff. He has lifted his left leg and he is determined to walk this week. His speech is improving every day as his brain remembers the right words to use. He thinks the correct words, but sometimes says a different word than what he means. Interestingly, his brain never lost the word thank you because he has said that word so much in his life. How cool is that?!! He can read again and he’s asking for food from “the outside.” Evan enjoyed two cheeseburgers, fries and a coke yesterday.
Evan continues to surprise the therapists with his drive and determination. He tells them every day “bring it on” as he wants to maximize the therapy afforded to him. Evan wants to thank everyone for your prayers and to please continue praying for his healing and recovery. Thank you for loving and supporting our family. We love all the encouragement you are emailing to [email protected] to be shared in posts. As we read the ways Evan has impacted your lives, we are praising Jesus for what He has done! Our hearts are full of gratitude as we experience the varying ways you share.”
As we consider Evan and his faith in Jesus, let us remember that Jesus is the good shepherd.
Jesus is the door. As a shepherd sits in front of a sheep pen to protect the sheep, Jesus sits in front of us. If we enter by Him, He saves us, and we go in and out enjoying safe pasture. Our pastures look different from one another, and at times they can feel unknown or scary, but our shepherd is with us. Our shepherd IS with Evan.
Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” And he says, “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” Jesus knows Evan and Evan knows Jesus. That knowing fuels Evan to love the world in hopes that all people would know the hope he himself knows. Evan pursues the ones of us that feel lonely, left out, unnoticed or forgotten as he knows intimately that we are sheep in need of a shepherd and there is room for us in the fold. Together we are intended to be unified as one flock with one Shepherd – Jesus.
On and on Jesus continues, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” (John 10) When we hear Jesus’ voice, we follow Him, and He gives us eternal life. No one can snatch us from His hand. No one and no illness can snatch Evan out of our Father’s hand either, because Evan knows and is known by Jesus.
Reviewing Ellicott’s commentary on this chapter and considering the life Evan is emulating for us, how are we maximizing the one life Jesus has given each of us??
Here are a few impactful thoughts from the commentary that God’s word and Evan’s life beckon us to follow with courage and tenacity:
“A nobler spirit ought to be ours. The toil is sore, the sacrifices many, and the yield seems small. Be it so! Let us, with resolved hearts, and in obedience to His will, with an AMEN in the face of all the paralyzing suggestions of our own selfishness, and all the tempting voices of worldly wisdom and unbelieving scornfulness that stays upon us, let us fling back the grand old answer, yes. The more we know Jesus, the more we are eager to proclaim it and not stand idling in the marketplace waiting for some order to go. Let us drink so much of Christ that to share is a grace and a privilege, not a burden, and till silence and idleness in His cause shall be felt to be impossible, because it would be violence to our own feelings, and the loss of great joy, as well as sin against our Father’s will.” – portions of Ellicott’s commentary for John 10
All this “philosophical” wording, deep thinking and challenge to say, if you feel like a lost sheep, you don’t have to wander lost anymore! Jesus wants to know you. Open your mind and heart to His voice and get to know Him and allow Jesus to be your shepherd. The pastures Jesus takes you into may not be easy, as Evan’s circumstances demonstrate, but you will be safe because He is with you.
If you are a sheep that follows Jesus, don’t sit on the sidelines anymore, notice the hurting sheep all around you, and do something about it. Love somebody. Love everybody. Have the courage, resolve and obedience to care about the people who need to know that they are valuable and that they matter. Someone pursued you, so get out there, and pursue others.
“It’s time to love and time to accept love.”
– Evan Moon
Moonbeams via videos and visits:
“Hey Evan,
We can’t fathom how difficult this season in your life is but we want you to know we are consistently and diligently praying for you and your Mom and Dad daily. We are bearing this with you in prayer. We also want you to know we have many friends in Wilmington who are constantly lifting you up in prayer too. Even though our hearts are burdened we are so overwhelmed at how God has moved through your life to impact His love on so many people and how He is STILL using His love in your heart to shine to others. We wanted to send you this song “King of My Heart“. We have been singing this recently at church and it has been encouraging to us so we wanted to send it to you too! Also, we wanted to send you this picture of some of our favorite moments that come to mind when we think about you. (Yes, we did some hardcore Facebook stalking to find these gems.) We love you brother and hope this makes you smile!” – Michael “Mudcat” & Meaghann
Evan, here are 3 video messages from your friend, Reid Ferrin. He certainly does share your humor!
Video 1 – (Click here <—)
Video 2 – (Click here <—) “Evan’s faith is larger than Jurassic Park…moves mountains”
Video 3 – (Click here <—) “The day soon coming when Evan is cleared to leave the hospital, he gonna be like…”
Fun pictures with friends:
Here are some ways to help the Moon family:
- Pray
Apart from Jesus, prayer is the greatest gift we can ever give one another.
Buy a T-Shirt
45 T-Shirts have already been purchased in support of the Moon family. Another order will be placed on Wednesday, June 8, 2016. If you missed the first round of orders, go ahead and place your order now.
Cost: Small – XL $25 each (including shipping)
XXL $26 each (including shipping)
The T-Shirts are only available in white.
To order, email [email protected] with your size, quantity, and email address. You will receive an invoice with payment details. Please advise if you would like to collect your t-shirt, or if you would like to have it shipped. Collection in Sanford, NC, is available.
- Send Moonbeams
Email words of encouragement, pictures, songs, etc. for Evan and his family to [email protected]
- Give Financially towards the “Evan Moon Assistance Program”
Mail checks to:
Grace Klein Community, Inc., 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL, 35216
Memo: Evan Moon Assistance Program
OR via our website: