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The Hands

BoxesA pile of boxes sit on a table in the main room of the GKC office. If you’ve been to the office, you have likely seen them. Sometimes the height of the stack varies, but the stack never disappears. How is that possible when we use hundreds of them every single month? Check the back patio and a pile may be waiting there before 7am for the next volunteer to move them inside and add them to the stack. Where do they come from? Caryl Green. She’s our secret box lady and she picks up every week from Chick-fil-a and The Vitamin Shoppe, two companies that contribute generously to the day-to-day operations of Grace Klein Community. Boxes are vital to our operations and Caryl makes sure the stack never runs dry. We rarely see her drop the stack by, but she keeps coming and contributing to a very crucial step in our process.

Another gifting of Caryl is organization and she brought bins and shelves to help us squeeze as much order as possible into the Grace Klein Community staff office and Give and Take Room. She studied, she analyzed, she met with other volunteers and she contributed from her gifting. She has also taken that gift to other community member homes where she’s helped teach mamas how to bring order to their pantries and closets.

caryl-greenWhen we have lots of details to pull together for a community event, she comes to help with the behind the scenes work. She spent days helping preparing for a recent No More Safety Pins clothing trade event. She hung, sorted, labeled, evaluated quality, sourced hangers, on and on to help the event preparation come together with excellence.

As her occupation, Caryl is a massage therapist and she loved the idea of pampering mamas at the No More Safety Pins event. Yeager’s Day Spa donated a gift certificate for the event. And guess what?!! Caryl and her friend, Carla, came and provided free massages for the frazzled mamas. What a treat for mamas who had never had a massage or had not had a massage in years. She shared her gifts and abilities to bless others which represents a beautiful picture of community life.

caryl-green-1Caryl is vibrant, generous, a secret servant. She makes Grace Klein Community better by being the beautiful woman God has made her to be and sharing herself with all of us. Her contribution shows how our occupations, our talents and our time can make huge impact on a community of friends helping friends.

Many people that receive food will never think about the box lady, that it took someone to go build relationships with businesses for boxes to be donated and that someone would need to pick up those boxes every single week. Many people that come take clothing or help sort clothing in the Give and Take Room will never think about the fact that the room has come a long way thanks to people like Caryl. (Imagine back in the day when that room was just a room with no shelves and a big pile of bags – oh if we had a picture. Some of you remember those days.) And many mamas would still be holding out for a massage “one day” if Caryl had not graciously shared her services.

Caryl does what she can do with the time she has to give and her example shows us we can contribute in some way too with the time and gifts that Jesus has given us. We all have a little treasure inside of us that was made to be shared. To accomplish big things, it takes a big family, with everyone sharing the load. We are all better for having Caryl in the family.

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:27

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The Hands

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BoxesA pile of boxes sit on a table in the main room of the GKC office. If you’ve been to the office, you have likely seen them. Sometimes the height of the stack varies, but the stack never disappears. How is that possible when we use hundreds of them every single month? Check the back patio and a pile may be waiting there before 7am for the next volunteer to move them inside and add them to the stack. Where do they come from? Caryl Green. She’s our secret box lady and she picks up every week from Chick-fil-a and The Vitamin Shoppe, two companies that contribute generously to the day-to-day operations of Grace Klein Community. Boxes are vital to our operations and Caryl makes sure the stack never runs dry. We rarely see her drop the stack by, but she keeps coming and contributing to a very crucial step in our process.

Another gifting of Caryl is organization and she brought bins and shelves to help us squeeze as much order as possible into the Grace Klein Community staff office and Give and Take Room. She studied, she analyzed, she met with other volunteers and she contributed from her gifting. She has also taken that gift to other community member homes where she’s helped teach mamas how to bring order to their pantries and closets.

caryl-greenWhen we have lots of details to pull together for a community event, she comes to help with the behind the scenes work. She spent days helping preparing for a recent No More Safety Pins clothing trade event. She hung, sorted, labeled, evaluated quality, sourced hangers, on and on to help the event preparation come together with excellence.

As her occupation, Caryl is a massage therapist and she loved the idea of pampering mamas at the No More Safety Pins event. Yeager’s Day Spa donated a gift certificate for the event. And guess what?!! Caryl and her friend, Carla, came and provided free massages for the frazzled mamas. What a treat for mamas who had never had a massage or had not had a massage in years. She shared her gifts and abilities to bless others which represents a beautiful picture of community life.

caryl-green-1Caryl is vibrant, generous, a secret servant. She makes Grace Klein Community better by being the beautiful woman God has made her to be and sharing herself with all of us. Her contribution shows how our occupations, our talents and our time can make huge impact on a community of friends helping friends.

Many people that receive food will never think about the box lady, that it took someone to go build relationships with businesses for boxes to be donated and that someone would need to pick up those boxes every single week. Many people that come take clothing or help sort clothing in the Give and Take Room will never think about the fact that the room has come a long way thanks to people like Caryl. (Imagine back in the day when that room was just a room with no shelves and a big pile of bags – oh if we had a picture. Some of you remember those days.) And many mamas would still be holding out for a massage “one day” if Caryl had not graciously shared her services.

Caryl does what she can do with the time she has to give and her example shows us we can contribute in some way too with the time and gifts that Jesus has given us. We all have a little treasure inside of us that was made to be shared. To accomplish big things, it takes a big family, with everyone sharing the load. We are all better for having Caryl in the family.

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
– 1 Corinthians 12:27

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