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The Stone the Builders Rejected

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“The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.” – Psalm 118:22

1-IMG_9806At 4756 Wine Ridge Lane just off Indian Valley Rd, a house stands as a home for its tenants, a symbol of God’s work through the hands and feet of the body of Christ, and a resting place for friends, missionaries and members of the Grace Klein Community. The walls are covered in pictures of friends, volunteers, and families who have contributed so greatly to the lives of Grace Klein Community, and the people we serve. In the dining room, a beautiful painting of a Koinonia tree stands to represent the ideal state of fellowship and unity, surrounded by words describing values so important to a person’s walk with Christ. Much progress is still to be made, but if I were to use one word to describe the upstairs of what we now refer to as the “community house,” it would be “beautiful.”

However, this house wasn’t always this way. Originally, it was rejected and expected to be demolished, due to water damage and vacancy. December 23rd, 2014, God blessed Grace Klein Community with a home that was no longer needed by a customer of Grace Klein Construction, Inc. February 27th, 2015, 66 days later, God provided much of the homes interior including bath tubs, toilets, a water heater, doors, light fixtures and more, from another Grace Klein Construction, Inc. customer. Read more about that from a previous article HERE.

Days, weeks, and even months of work and tens of thousands of dollars of resources would be required to build this house into a comfortable home, an acceptable meeting place, and a refuge for the weary. But we know our Provider, and because God’s hands and feet are at work through His servants, a house the builders rejected is in the process of becoming a cornerstone of our community. So who did God use in the past months as His hands and feet to enact this transformation?

IMG_6409They were people like Evan Moon and Cameron Hardy who lived in the house during its construction and spent hours into the night ensuring the work completed during the day was finished properly. The house is currently home to five men who also serve as hosts of the home, and their rent contributes towards the cost of repairs. As hosts they maintain an open door, host community gatherings and provide a welcoming space for anyone within Grace Klein Community. As we complete more outside seating areas, the yard will be more user friendly to escape for alone time with Jesus for anyone needing solace.

They were people like Alison Elliott who painted the Koinonia tree and designed the dining room wall, and like her husband Scott who worked in various areas of the house, not always skilled, but with a willing heart.

They were the ladies and families that provided so many meals to keep volunteers sustained during the day and night. They were the people that donated furniture and supplies to furnish and support the house. Churches hosted Serve Days painting downstairs walls and performing other important tasks around the house. Community groups and churches, affiliated with Grace Klein Community, painted walls, and removed nails from pallet wood.

1-IMG_9760They were families who helped place wood on the walls, removed unneeded wood from the site, and helped in any way they could. Many individuals did whatever they could to help, investing their quality time together in the project.  The walls were decorated with over eighty different portraits representing at least 150 friends, locally and globally from our community.  Others dedicated countless hours of their time leading teams and working on various areas of the house. We have creative minds in our community and many came together to collaborate decisions during the construction and remodeling.  The list of servants who have made this progress possible is seemingly endless, and comes from all demographics from children to young singles to parents and grandparents, so many people dedicated their time, their sweat, their late nights after work, their weekends, their skills, and their love to accomplishing the vision of this “community house.”

Love is what makes it beautiful.  God brought members of His church together to revitalize a house that will create an escape to worship and speak to God, a place to meet in fellowship to learn about and glorify God, a home for young men using their lives to encourage those around them and grow in their walks with the Lord, and a place for the weary traveling missionary to take refuge and rest. God took this stone, rejected by its builders, and through the hard work of so many gracious friends, families, and volunteers, is making this house into a cornerstone for our community.”



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The Stone the Builders Rejected

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“The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.” – Psalm 118:22

1-IMG_9806At 4756 Wine Ridge Lane just off Indian Valley Rd, a house stands as a home for its tenants, a symbol of God’s work through the hands and feet of the body of Christ, and a resting place for friends, missionaries and members of the Grace Klein Community. The walls are covered in pictures of friends, volunteers, and families who have contributed so greatly to the lives of Grace Klein Community, and the people we serve. In the dining room, a beautiful painting of a Koinonia tree stands to represent the ideal state of fellowship and unity, surrounded by words describing values so important to a person’s walk with Christ. Much progress is still to be made, but if I were to use one word to describe the upstairs of what we now refer to as the “community house,” it would be “beautiful.”

However, this house wasn’t always this way. Originally, it was rejected and expected to be demolished, due to water damage and vacancy. December 23rd, 2014, God blessed Grace Klein Community with a home that was no longer needed by a customer of Grace Klein Construction, Inc. February 27th, 2015, 66 days later, God provided much of the homes interior including bath tubs, toilets, a water heater, doors, light fixtures and more, from another Grace Klein Construction, Inc. customer. Read more about that from a previous article HERE.

Days, weeks, and even months of work and tens of thousands of dollars of resources would be required to build this house into a comfortable home, an acceptable meeting place, and a refuge for the weary. But we know our Provider, and because God’s hands and feet are at work through His servants, a house the builders rejected is in the process of becoming a cornerstone of our community. So who did God use in the past months as His hands and feet to enact this transformation?

IMG_6409They were people like Evan Moon and Cameron Hardy who lived in the house during its construction and spent hours into the night ensuring the work completed during the day was finished properly. These men are current tenants and hosts of the home, and their rent contributes towards the cost of repairs. As hosts they maintain an open door, host community gatherings and provide a welcoming space for anyone within Grace Klein Community. As we complete more outside seating areas, the yard will be more user friendly to escape for alone time with Jesus for anyone needing solace.

They were people like Alison Elliott who painted the Koinonia tree and designed the dining room wall, and like her husband Scott who worked in various areas of the house, not always skilled, but with a willing heart.

They were the ladies and families that provided so many meals to keep volunteers sustained during the day and night. They were the people that donated furniture and supplies to furnish and support the house. Churches hosted Serve Days painting downstairs walls and performing other important tasks around the house. Community groups and churches, affiliated with Grace Klein Community, painted walls, and removed nails from pallet wood.

1-IMG_9760They were families who helped place wood on the walls, removed unneeded wood from the site, and helped in any way they could. Many individuals did whatever they could to help, investing their quality time together in the project.  The walls were decorated with over eighty different portraits representing at least 150 friends, locally and globally from our community.  Others dedicated countless hours of their time leading teams and working on various areas of the house. We have creative minds in our community and many came together to collaborate decisions during the construction and remodeling.  The list of servants who have made this progress possible is seemingly endless, and comes from all demographics from children to young singles to parents and grandparents, so many people dedicated their time, their sweat, their late nights after work, their weekends, their skills, and their love to accomplishing the vision of this “community house.”

Love is what makes it beautiful.  God brought members of His church together to revitalize a house that will create an escape to worship and speak to God, a place to meet in fellowship to learn about and glorify God, a home for young men using their lives to encourage those around them and grow in their walks with the Lord, and a place for the weary traveling missionary to take refuge and rest. God took this stone, rejected by its builders, and through the hard work of so many gracious friends, families, and volunteers, is making this house into a cornerstone for our community.”



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