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Training Up Boys

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“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17

Many community members make serving GKC a family effort, but few families are able to also involve their teenagers! Preston and his wife Robin (to read more about Robin, please follow the link to her Better Together article) are some of GKC’s most committed members.

Preston has provided his inner and physical strength in virtually every facet of service. He has played bodyguard during Sunday Food Market, ensuring that the non-perishable items are saved for the families who receive a monthly food box. He also lends a helping hand at evening GKC events. For instance, during the Food Drive Jam (please follow this link to read more about the event,) Preston played the role of the manliest man–the grill master! At Sunday Markets, the Food Drive Jam, Drum Circles or a hands on day renovating the new community house, Preston has his whole family in tow!

“Be your child’s “First Teacher.”” – Proverbs 22:6

It is such a beautiful sight to see families serving together, and building each other up through acts of service. Preston leads by example, as he raises his three boys, teaching them how to be men. He teaches not with words, but with actions. When speaking with Preston’s eldest step son, the sixteen-year-old explained how Preston stepped up to the plate, and has shown unyielding support ever since Preston came into their lives. Additionally, he is a doting, loving husband. In a conversation with Preston, he mentioned how beautiful Robin is on no fewer than five occasions. Not to sound too presumptuous, but I think we can all agree, that is something every woman would want in a man!

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” – Ecclesiastes 9:10

Finally, one of the most remarkable contributions Preston has made to GKC is hand-crafting a stunning twelve-foot table and gifting the table for the new community house. He included all three boys and Robin in creating the table.  This table is a true masterpiece, and mammoth to move! It is clear how much passion Preston gave into crafting this work of art, because it is as sturdy as it is beautiful! To imagine all the meals and conversations that will take place around this table, is absolutely heartwarming.  Thanks to Preston, discussions about God and His love for us will continue to flourish around the table for years to come. The barn-style table will be the gift that keeps on giving, for years to come, as many community members will share life together around Preston’s love gift.  We look forward to Preston continuing to share his gifts and his life with all of us.  We suspect Preston may be training up some of us in the midst of training up his boys.  Never know how his actions will inspire other community friends to give too!!

– Cassidy Clevenger, Samford University Social Work Intern

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