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Upcoming Guatemala Trip

We are just a little over two months away from departing for our mission trip to Casa Aleluya ( in Guatemala (see blog dated June 12, 2014). Our departure date is October 25. I wanted to provide an update for those who are praying for us and for those who desire to begin praying for us. I also want to share what God has been doing in preparation of this mission. Just a reminder: we do not have to depart to be on a mission for God. Everyday we are on the mission field – right where we are… in the grocery line, at the office, on the ball field, in a classroom, etc. God is always working His Plan through us and we are vessels for His Glory!

Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.  2 Tim 2:21 (ESV)

I want to walk in “usefulness” to the Master.

We know you are praying as we feel God’s presence and we see His PROVISION. We have received $3,302 toward our basic expenses goal of $5,487. We have power-washed a neighbor’s driveway/sidewalk, contributed unexpected income, friends and family members have contributed in response to our support letters and contributions have come through word of mouth. Recently a friend called to inform me that a friend of hers had a sewing machine that she was going to sell on Ebay but the friend was discouraged and decided against the Ebay idea once she found out the cost of shipping a sewing machine. My friend told her about the team going to Guatemala and the need for sewing machines. Her friend donated her sewing machine!

I don’t feel these conversations or contributions are coincidences. These generous donations are God’s hand in providing for His people, His purpose and His plan! I have been encouraged by the notes and cards I’ve received in the mail and friends stopping me in my tracks to give me a word of encouragement or just to say, “I’m praying for you”. I am blessed to see the sacrificial giving and the hearts of those who are contributing to this mission.

We are thankful to be a part of His plan and consider it a privilege to go to Guatemala and encourage the missionaries/staff and to love on the children and those we come in contact with as well as assist with specific tasks (alterations of the quincineras dresses, and the graduation and celebration) teaching and sharing in the village and working on needed repairs at the facilities. We are grateful for the prayers and support of those who we know and those we have not yet met or may never meet. We pray for you as you pray for us. With grateful hearts we continue in His service with great anticipation of what God has planned!

Parramos Village Clothing distribution Parramos Village child after the Clothing Distribution on last year’s mission trip

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