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Washing Feet

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“Is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.”  – 1 Timothy 5:10 

“If there ever was a more accurate description of Joy Jones, I cannot find it. I have personally known Joy for over 9 years and have watched her live out this verse day after day after day. I have watched her go from the bottom of the ash heap to turning around and helping pull people out.

Joy has raised her three boys as a single parent, has never turned away someone in need of a meal or a place to stay, and takes care of all the animals on her little farm with the care and knowledge of a seasoned rancher. Now she devotes some of her already precious time to Grace Klein Community. 

Joy decided to check out Grace Klein by coming to our monthly food delivery. Of course, with her generous servant’s heart, I knew it wouldn’t be her last time. Joy has gone from delivering one box, to three boxes to ten boxes and has even delivered my personal route of seven on top of her own.

During our No More Safety Pins event, she came to participate and jumped in to serve. She invited others to come to the clothing trade and blessed many others with clothing.

Joy definitely has a heart of gold and shares the mission of Grace Klein Community to a tee! Thank you, Joy Jones for all you do! You live out your name!” – Tracie Mark, Serve Team Coordinator  

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