The color green symbolizes growth, re-purposing, re-cycling and re-using so that nothing is wasted. If you are a part of anything Grace Klein Community, you know we are green! We strive for no waste and spend our days educating members to see and implement alternate purposes in everything.
Notice the arrows in the design of the logo. The arrows represent giving and taking, receiving and sharing, true reciprocal community without end. If you have a desire to be a part of Grace Klein Community, the importance of giving and taking will be valuable to your participation, understanding, influence and value as a member. We have learned community functions best when we all give and all take.
Perhaps you missed the hidden aspect behind the logo. Look again. Do you see the gray arrow pointing upward? The arrow depicts the organic lifestyle of Grace Klein Community, for every area of our lives, with our focus first and foremost on Jesus Christ. We are who we are today because of Him. The strength in our efforts, the joy in our hearts and the ability to function as individuals, together as a community to love on others, is only because of Jesus.