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“In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” – Isaiah 30:15

Carlo Edwin Blanca Bustos is the definition of the above Bible verse. Have you ever known someone that spoke volumes without ever saying a word? Or could enter a building and just start working without making a sound? And manages to get everything done before anyone notices that they are there? This is our friend Carlo.

Carlo has been at Grace Klein Community volunteering while on a sabbatical of sorts from Mexico City. He came here to improve his English, but in the process, he helped improve us. Carlo shows up on any given morning and without even having to ask what needs to be done, immediately finds things to do. He is as hard-working and dependable as they come and will always go the extra mile to help see a project to completion.

This past food delivery, Carlo assisted us with our food box prep and with transporting the boxes offsite to Asbury Church. He not only helped fill the boxes, load and unload them, but he gave other volunteers a ride over in his car. Actually, he helped the last two food delivery prep days and that requires much physical activity, patience and flexibility. He is always willing, kind and generously sharing that big beautiful smile.

Over the last two months, he has moved hundreds of boxes, loaded and unloaded trucks, moved furniture, organized donations, taped boxes, traveled on many box truck adventures, and even helped move a heavy piano. We cannot guess how many community friends he has met along the way, but we know he has blessed everyone who crossed his path. His calm and quiet presence is a comfort to our crazy. His strongest attributes are hard working, reliable, very friendly, and a self-starter all proving that Carlos is a wonderful asset and possesses exceptional leadership potential. He has consistently demonstrated true servant leadership during his time with us and we are honored to share life with Carlos.

Even today, on his last serve day at GKC, he could be found at our newest community house, for intentional investment into single mamas and their kids, doing whatever needs to be done to get ready for the Open House. He is a one-in-a-million volunteer and we will miss him so! God bless you, Carlo! We cannot wait to spend more time with you when you return for school in September! Good luck in your travels home to visit precious family and remember you are always welcome at GKC! You are FAM now!

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