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Zambia Trip 2016 – Reflections

“People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” – Mark 10:13-16

IMG_7357“When I reflect on the ten days I spent serving at Kwathu Children’s Home, it always reminds me of the verse above, and how Jesus is still doing this. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit to His people, His body, He is still taking children in need into His arms and blessing them. When a house mama at Kwathu takes a child into her arms to comfort them, protect them, bathe them, clothe them or prepare them to eat, through their tireless work, Father God is using those house mama’s to take those children in Zambia into His arms. When Jeanette, one of the directors at Kwathu, takes the hand of a child, and guides the children to the van to bring them to school or to help her at the market, the Lord is guiding her, and through her taking the hands of those children He is guiding them to the hope of a bright future. When 190 children in desperate need come running to the Kwathu Children’s Home complex (some with their mothers alongside them) to be blessed with a meal that Jeanette and the house mamas prepared for each of them, it is the Lord blessing those children and their mothers through His divine inspiration. The same can be said for when Agrippa, Jeanette’s husband, works on his hands and knees laying tile, painting walls, helping construct a door, or leading efforts to construct new buildings lays the foundation for a future of Kwathu Children’s Home that will provide for even more children in need.

IMG_6724But the greatest personal takeaway from this trip is how I and the people around me can bless these children, and through it be a part of the hands and arms of Jesus in Mark 10:13-16. When our team went to Kwathu and helped build their office, and spent time loving on the children, and learning from the staff, the Lord was using us to invest in them, show love to them, and bless them. When we come home, and share our stories and ways to pray with our supporters, our churches, our friends, and our family, it is the Lord using us to provide knowledge and awareness, so that His people around the world can wrap the children and staff of Kwathu in love and prayer. When a drum circle or a yard sale or a Family Fun Night is held to raise money for the Kwathu ministry, the Lord is using that money to provide space so more neglected or rejected children will have a loving home, and more children in an impoverished community will have food to eat.

IMG_7354Before I went to Kwathu, I had an intellectual understanding, brought only by reading of Scripture, and reading about the ministry and ministries like it. Going to Kwathu, having one of the children Anna in my arms, speaking with Francis about his dream of playing the guitar, letting Vicki and Nelia play with my sunglasses, spending time with the mamas and Jeanette, helping with the food program, and so many other experiences at Kwathu Children’s Home brought Jesus’ words to life for me. Just as in Mark 10:13-16, people are still bringing children to Jesus. Now, He has blessed all of us with the ability to be a part of His arms taking these children in, and His hands blessing them.” – Michael Kline (Team Member)

Read more from guest blogger, The Missions and Media Guy, Micheal Kline, since the team traveled to Zambia:

“My New Friend Anna: Up… Up!”

“5 Things You Might Not Know About Zambia”

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