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Persistent in Prayer

IMG_3308A community needs diversity in our gifts and abilities. If we were all the same, how effective would we be? Remember how the Body of Christ is made of many parts, together we form one body and each member belongs to all the others.

Prayer is a vital need for our community. Many hearts ache, needs are abundant and our blessings overflow. Our praise can be continually on our lips and our thanksgiving constant. We must not forget to petition God for the lost and the hurting. Our brothers and sisters that live next door and around the world need us to pray for them.

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and we can pray in the quiet of our bedroom, in the shower, driving to work, sitting at our desk, at the park, while we cook dinner, at the ballfields and when we pay the bills. We can pray in our coming and going, in our stillness and chaos, and in the midst of great joy and horrible sorrow. Do we remember to pray?

One precious lady in our community not only prays, but she has a gift to pray. She prays the Word of God. She celebrates the wonders of Jesus. She worships our Father. She prays for the lost. She prays for the saints. She prays for the sick, the exhausted, the weak. She talks to God on behalf of so many needs of the people of Grace Klein Community. She may be on her knees for you and you will never know.

As a part of Grace Klein Community, she’s able to receive too. When Jim, her husband, had an accident at work, he was unable to work for months. Friends of the community had the privilege to pray for them, to stop for a visit, to share a meal. When she pulled out her back, community friends prayed over her and shared a meal. Even a few weeks ago, she was weary and she was able to be blessed again by some home cooked meals from another community friend that she had never met. Chrisi joyfully receives texts of scripture and encouraging emails when she’s feels isolated and alone. And don’t forget hugs that sometimes say more than words.

One amazing gift Chrisi has is a “green thumb.” When her family plants a garden, everyone should go for a visit. Flowers gaze over the plants, drawing the bugs away, and the plants flourish producing much food. The sight of their garden makes one want to worship God because it is obvious He has blessed the work of their hands. One year, the cucumbers were so abundant that other community friends were able to make jars and jars of pickles to give away.

When one of our partner missionaries arrived in the States, she opened her car door and put a huge bag full of food in her lap and then quickly closed the door. She doesn’t make a scene in her giving, but when her pantry overflows they quickly share boxes of food with Grace Klein Community. She has a gift for baking so sometimes she surprises with homemade cookies or fresh baked bread. Her parents are bakers, so she learned her skills when she was a child and still shares them today. What have we learned as children that we can share?

Let’s not forget every month at food delivery for the last seven years. Chrisi and her family have been there every Saturday they could to help organize the food boxes for pick up, but more importantly, to pray out the volunteers that delivery the food boxes. They give their lives to the volunteers, listening to their stories, praying for them and investing in friendships with the families that serve.

Chrisi Jones is unassuming. Maybe you have not noticed her, but you should. She’s a vital part of our community. Chrisi is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become a angry. She is faithfully using her gifts for God’s glory and we are all better for it.

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Persistent in Prayer

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IMG_3308A community needs diversity in our gifts and abilities. If we were all the same, how effective would we be? Remember how the Body of Christ is made of many parts, together we form one body and each member belongs to all the others.

Prayer is a vital need for our community. Many hearts ache, needs are abundant and our blessings overflow. Our praise can be continually on our lips and our thanksgiving constant. We must not forget to petition God for the lost and the hurting. Our brothers and sisters that live next door and around the world need us to pray for them.

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and we can pray in the quiet of our bedroom, in the shower, driving to work, sitting at our desk, at the park, while we cook dinner, at the ballfields and when we pay the bills. We can pray in our coming and going, in our stillness and chaos, and in the midst of great joy and horrible sorrow. Do we remember to pray?

One precious lady in our community not only prays, but she has a gift to pray. She prays the Word of God. She celebrates the wonders of Jesus. She worships our Father. She prays for the lost. She prays for the saints. She prays for the sick, the exhausted, the weak. She talks to God on behalf of so many needs of the people of Grace Klein Community. She may be on her knees for you and you will never know.

As a part of Grace Klein Community, she’s able to receive too. When Jim, her husband, had an accident at work, he was unable to work for months. Friends of the community had the privilege to pray for them, to stop for a visit, to share a meal. When she pulled out her back, community friends prayed over her and shared a meal. Even a few weeks ago, she was weary and she was able to be blessed again by some home cooked meals from another community friend that she had never met. Chrisi joyfully receives texts of scripture and encouraging emails when she’s feels isolated and alone. And don’t forget hugs that sometimes say more than words.

One amazing gift Chrisi has is a “green thumb.” When her family plants a garden, everyone should go for a visit. Flowers gaze over the plants, drawing the bugs away, and the plants flourish producing much food. The sight of their garden makes one want to worship God because it is obvious He has blessed the work of their hands. One year, the cucumbers were so abundant that other community friends were able to make jars and jars of pickles to give away.

When one of our partner missionaries arrived in the States, she opened her car door and put a huge bag full of food in her lap and then quickly closed the door. She doesn’t make a scene in her giving, but when her pantry overflows they quickly share boxes of food with Grace Klein Community. She has a gift for baking so sometimes she surprises with homemade cookies or fresh baked bread. Her parents are bakers, so she learned her skills when she was a child and still shares them today. What have we learned as children that we can share?

Let’s not forget every month at food delivery for the last seven years. Chrisi and her family have been there every Saturday they could to help organize the food boxes for pick up, but more importantly, to pray out the volunteers that delivery the food boxes. They give their lives to the volunteers, listening to their stories, praying for them and investing in friendships with the families that serve.

Chrisi Jones is unassuming. Maybe you have not noticed her, but you should. She’s a vital part of our community. Chrisi is quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become a angry. She is faithfully using her gifts for God’s glory and we are all better for it.

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