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Behind the scenes

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IMG_5503Julie and her mom, Susie, have been delivering food boxes since the food ministry started about five years ago. We met them during the economic downturn and the Grace Klein Community family prayed with Julie every month, for years, as she changed careers, pursued additional education and eventually became a physical education teacher. In the middle of her “not so easy” she faithfully served others. Julie has a persistence and dedication that inspires to face challenges, try new things and trust God for the unknown.

They have rarely missed a month in the last five years and always show up joyful and ready to serve. Susie has built relationships with grocery store butchers and works all month to find bargains and buy meats that we can give to the food box recipients. We find our storage freezers, at Asbury UMC, full of meat because of Susie’s faithfulness to do what she says she will do. Every month she stops by the office to be reimbursed for the meat she has purchased and we are able to hear what God is doing in her life and to be encouraged by a spunky woman full of life. Susie was one of the volunteers that described Grace Klein Community as a wheel with many spokes. She is part of our food ministry spoke and God uses her to keep us rolling.

fbe7e40c0d961960a85d9180a2b2f857Julie has just finished her second year as the PE teacher at Tarrant Elementary School and does a great job loving the kids, many of whom come from very difficult situations. She coordinates volunteers from GKC and other organizations to serve at their field day and works hard to make that a day of fun and exercise. Her creativity is valuable in a school system with limited financial resources.

Serving alongside her, listening to her call hundreds of kids by name, demonstrates the importance of intentional relationships and valuing each person, one at a time.

Come meet these ladies one food delivery Saturday. They will be the ones who bring a dog along. They serve many older ladies on their route and they will tell you all about their friends. These ladies love their food recipients well and work behind the scenes tirelessly without much recognition or notice. We appreciate how they serve us and our Birmingham community.

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Behind the scenes

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IMG_5503Julie and her mom, Susie, have been delivering food boxes since the food ministry started about five years ago. We met them during the economic downturn and the Grace Klein Community family prayed with Julie every month, for years, as she changed careers, pursued additional education and eventually became a physical education teacher. In the middle of her “not so easy” she faithfully served others. Julie has a persistence and dedication that inspires to face challenges, try new things and trust God for the unknown.

They have rarely missed a month in the last five years and always show up joyful and ready to serve. Susie has built relationships with grocery store butchers and works all month to find bargains and buy meats that we can give to the food box recipients. We find our storage freezers, at Asbury UMC, full of meat because of Susie’s faithfulness to do what she says she will do. Every month she stops by the office to be reimbursed for the meat she has purchased and we are able to hear what God is doing in her life and to be encouraged by a spunky woman full of life. Susie was one of the volunteers that described Grace Klein Community as a wheel with many spokes. She is part of our food ministry spoke and God uses her to keep us rolling.

fbe7e40c0d961960a85d9180a2b2f857Julie has just finished her second year as the PE teacher at Tarrant Elementary School and does a great job loving the kids, many of whom come from very difficult situations. She coordinates volunteers from GKC and other organizations to serve at their field day and works hard to make that a day of fun and exercise. Her creativity is valuable in a school system with limited financial resources.

Serving alongside her, listening to her call hundreds of kids by name, demonstrates the importance of intentional relationships and valuing each person, one at a time.

Come meet these ladies one food delivery Saturday. They will be the ones who bring a dog along. They serve many older ladies on their route and they will tell you all about their friends. These ladies love their food recipients well and work behind the scenes tirelessly without much recognition or notice. We appreciate how they serve us and our Birmingham community.

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