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The “Moon” is Lighting Up Emory

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From Thursday afternoon until Friday night at least 20 community friends shared the love with Evan Moon by visiting him in the ER, the hospital, and at his Birmingham home. He is appreciating the hugs, the talking and the surprise treats. His phone is blowing up with encouraging words, prayers, scripture, and jokes. In the words of Evan, “y’all flippin rock!”

IMG_3073Evan’s spirits are very high. He measures his optimism at 95%. Sometimes his mind overthinks and he enters the world of “what ifs,” but for the most part Jesus is giving Him amazing, supernatural peace. Keep the prayers coming for that peace that surpasses all understanding.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

IMG_3062In Evan’s words, “When it hits the fan in your life or in someone that impacts you, stuff gets real. God is leveraging the crap out of this! Folks are coming out of the wood work and I am dropping Jesus on them. So beautiful.”

Early Saturday morning, May 14, 2016, Evan and his parents decided to obtain a second opinion from Emory in Atlanta, GA.

BUT, before they left Birmingham, Evan was determined to stop by a community yard sale to show his love. In Evan fashion he was sporting his “Lovers Gonna Love” shirt and he had to help somebody. He carried a lamp to someone’s car in spite of his “no lift” doctor order and he helped an old lady across the street. OF COURSE HE DID!

untitledEvan and his parents waited in the ER at Emory for almost six hours. Miraculously, the neurosurgeon had not left the hospital and came and met with them on a Saturday night! Due to Evan’s history of sinus issues, the possibility of a bacterial infection is not ruled out. The neurosurgeon does not understand what is going on and they will act quickly to find out what is happening!

Emory has taken another CAT scan and admitted Evan. Another MRI is scheduled for around noon today. Evan will remain on anti-seizure medicine and steroids.

In no time, Evan’s Atlanta peeps have shown up at Emory with love, food, gifts and support. The trend continues, as evidenced, that we all love Evan to the moon and back.

IMG_2628Evan is really bummed he can’t drive, can’t ride bikes with Redemptive Cycles, can’t lift anything, and can’t work. God is helping him choose joy and it’s pretty amazing!

Please continue to pray.

  1. Rest for Evan, Terry and Denise. They are all exhausted and need some good sleep.
  2. Complete healing for Evan. Pray that the lesion is no longer on his brain when he has the MRI.
  3. Wisdom for the neurosurgeons as they compile all the information and make decisions on the best course of action for Evan.
  4. Pray for as many open doors as possible for Evan to share Jesus. For months, Evan has prayed for boldness to speak about Jesus with people. He wants to take every opportunity. He does not want to miss one. He wants to shine brightly. He wants the doctors, nurses and all staff to experience Jesus.
  5. Continued contentment and peace for Evan as he trusts God with what he doesn’t know and can’t see.
  6. Financial support from friends and family to relieve the burden from the Moon family. The deductible is HIGH and Evan may be off work for awhile.

Here’s how you can share your support:

Mail checks to:
Grace Klein Community, Inc. 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216
Memo: Evan Moon Assistance Program

OR via our website:

Remember, use #supportforshaggy for any social media posts you share! That way, Evan can easily see the outpouring of love.

Ok people, we are in it for the long haul. More updates soon. His room number at Emory is G252 NCCU. As of now, it appears there are no visitation restrictions. Stop by and visit whenever you can!

Read the previous update on Evan HERE.

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The “Moon” is Lighting Up Emory

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From Thursday afternoon until Friday night at least 20 community friends shared the love with Evan Moon by visiting him in the ER, the hospital, and at his Birmingham home. He is appreciating the hugs, the talking and the surprise treats. His phone is blowing up with encouraging words, prayers, scripture, and jokes. In the words of Evan, “y’all flippin rock!”

IMG_3073Evan’s spirits are very high. He measures his optimism at 95%. Sometimes his mind overthinks and he enters the world of “what ifs,” but for the most part Jesus is giving Him amazing, supernatural peace. Keep the prayers coming for that peace that surpasses all understanding.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

IMG_3062In Evan’s words, “When it hits the fan in your life or in someone that impacts you, stuff gets real. God is leveraging the crap out of this! Folks are coming out of the wood work and I am dropping Jesus on them. So beautiful.”

Early Saturday morning, May 14, 2016, Evan and his parents decided to obtain a second opinion from Emory in Atlanta, GA.

BUT, before they left Birmingham, Evan was determined to stop by a community yard sale to show his love. In Evan fashion he was sporting his “Lovers Gonna Love” shirt and he had to help somebody. He carried a lamp to someone’s car in spite of his “no lift” doctor order and he helped an old lady across the street. OF COURSE HE DID!

untitledEvan and his parents waited in the ER at Emory for almost six hours. Miraculously, the neurosurgeon had not left the hospital and came and met with them on a Saturday night! Due to Evan’s history of sinus issues, the possibility of a bacterial infection is not ruled out. The neurosurgeon does not understand what is going on and they will act quickly to find out what is happening!

Emory has taken another CAT scan and admitted Evan. Another MRI is scheduled for around noon today. Evan will remain on anti-seizure medicine and steroids.

In no time, Evan’s Atlanta peeps have shown up at Emory with love, food, gifts and support. The trend continues, as evidenced, that we all love Evan to the moon and back.

IMG_2628Evan is really bummed he can’t drive, can’t ride bikes with Redemptive Cycles, can’t lift anything, and can’t work. God is helping him choose joy and it’s pretty amazing!

Please continue to pray.

  1. Rest for Evan, Terry and Denise. They are all exhausted and need some good sleep.
  2. Complete healing for Evan. Pray that the lesion is no longer on his brain when he has the MRI.
  3. Wisdom for the neurosurgeons as they compile all the information and make decisions on the best course of action for Evan.
  4. Pray for as many open doors as possible for Evan to share Jesus. For months, Evan has prayed for boldness to speak about Jesus with people. He wants to take every opportunity. He does not want to miss one. He wants to shine brightly. He wants the doctors, nurses and all staff to experience Jesus.
  5. Continued contentment and peace for Evan as he trusts God with what he doesn’t know and can’t see.
  6. Financial support from friends and family to relieve the burden from the Moon family. The deductible is HIGH and Evan may be off work for awhile.

Here’s how you can share your support:

Mail checks to:
Grace Klein Community, Inc. 1678 Montgomery Hwy #104, Birmingham, AL 35216
Memo: Evan Moon Assistance Program

OR via our website:

Remember, use #supportforshaggy for any social media posts you share! That way, Evan can easily see the outpouring of love.

Ok people, we are in it for the long haul. More updates soon. His room number at Emory is G252 NCCU. As of now, it appears there are no visitation restrictions. Stop by and visit whenever you can!

Read the previous update on Evan HERE.

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