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“Here I am, send me” – Zambia Reflection

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AshAs believers we are all called to be missionaries wherever we go. However for some, the calling goes beyond that of our hometown and extends to other countries around the world. Growing up in church, I had heard countless missionaries talk about their experiences on the mission field. In my heart I knew that mission work, either short term or full time, was going to be a part of my future. Nevertheless, for selfish reasons I never fully surrendered this aspect of my life to Christ. It became something that I was willing to do, but not fully committed too. While I was ready to jump at any chances I had to go on short trips with church groups, I was hesitant to submit my life to anything more permanent than that. Looking back it was mostly out of the fear of the unknown. Because I am detail oriented, not knowing exactly what would lie ahead of me in choosing this path was very daunting. I am so glad that despite my fears and doubts God knew exactly what I needed to be able to take my faith to the next step in regards to mission work, and that is when he lead me to Grace Klein Community.

After knowing Jenny and Jason Waltman for a little less than a month, they invited me to go on a mission trip with them to Zambia, Africa this past January. After prayerful consideration I decided that I would go. Upon arrival we had a tentative schedule of things we wanted to accomplish while we were there, but our schedule was very flexible. This was quite different than what I was used to. However it taught me so much about letting the spirit lead you when you are serving Christ. It made me realize that too often I plan to serve the Lord on my terms as opposed to listening to what the Holy Spirit wants me to do. In doing so I miss out on so many of God’s blessings. Besides this, the trip allowed me to see that while I was there serving the African people and showing the love of Christ I could not think of any other place I would rather have been.

That night in my devotions I came across Isaiah 6:8 which says; “Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, Here am I, Send me.”

AshleighThat verse became my prayer that night… Here I am Lord, Send me. God used this trip to show me that if he truly desired for me to commit my life to some type of mission work why would I want to do anything else? While I am still not sure about all of the details, this trip prompted me when I got back to the states to research and seek out how I could use my interests and talents on the mission field. Through that, God has opened up doors and opportunities for me in the field of Medical Missions. Looking back, I know that I would not have pursued any of these doors God has opened up for me if I had not been pushed to step out in faith like I did on this trip.

When it comes to spreading the Gospel God does not need any of us, but he chooses to use us anyways! Our mission team that travelled to Zambia through Grace Klein Community went without any expectations, except that God was going to do something great. The worshipful atmosphere, community support, and tenderness to the Holy Spirit’s Leading, allowed God to use us to accomplish his will for our trip.

– Ashleigh


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